Metroid Prime: Hunters

Hence why I said I think it’s a stupid concept. But hey, I’m not with Nintendo.

Yet. >_> <_<

Some day, Dazuro Miyamoto will rise… >_> <_<

And Metroid: Space Pirate will be a top seller. That, or it will flop terribly and destroy Nintendo’s reputation forever, bringing me down with it and causing rabid Shiggy fans to kill me.

I think online multiplayer would be cool. I wouldnt mind the wait
if it added way better multiplayer gameplay. And again, Hunters
will have a single player mode in it. I just hope it will be good because they only started on it recently.

Maybe they might be just keeping it under wraps, but who knows, it’s Nintendo…

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY NINTENDO WHY??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

(I read this on to try and say i read something fake and im over reacting)

in metroid prime hunter They(ie nintendo) made single-player SAMUS ONLY and made it so you may only be the other 6 bunty hunter in mulit-player

:imp: THE ANGER :imp:

LS, Metroid is about Samus, not about other bounty hunters :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats not true, the whole story basically revolves around 7 bounty Hunters in this game.

And think about it, sinse they have 7 bounty hunters they
canmake a new metroid game just about one of them.
Although this is doubtful.

Um, no it doesn’t.

You fight the others, that about all.

Uhm… no.

Yeah you do, you fight the other bounty hunters.

mmmm… you got a point there, but Samus gots a better connection with metroids so…

And in Metroid Prime, you fight a few tiny bugs. OMG! METROID’S STORY IS ABOUT A FEW TINY BUGS!

True, its about squashy green jellie bugs.

I thought spoilers are against the rules! :imp:

… No one posted any spoilers.

but talking about what is in the game could lead to spoilers. :blush:

Key word,“COULD”.

key words, “KEY WORD"COULD”" meaning it could and will. I suggest a lock, but that’s just me. :neutral_face:

ok…i’ve played every metroid game but this one is the worst one(for fans its your opinion)