Metroid Stratagy Game.

Dazzy isn’t a god you know. Sure, fear his ability to ban you, but don’t kiss his ass every time you do something different. I’ll ask.

The banner looks cool. Of course I think it would later need to be made with the teams sprites instead of pre-existing pictures but otherwise it looks fine. The word Metroid seems a little “un-Metroidy” though…

EDIT: I got the word from Dazuro. The new hunter isn’t the GF soldier, so he is, once more, an average grunt. You guys will have to be creative and make up a high general (Supreme Allied Commander maybe?) for the GF. Seeing as how Retro probably won’t design a character such as this, it should be ok to make your own and still have it make sense. Just don’t make him look like an idiot, ok?