Metroid X v1.3e Alpha Build Test

do you ever plan on adding a large boss?

well judging by the room where it says, “There will be a boss here…eventually” Im guessing hes going to add like a creature that flies…or just a production of samus.

EDIT: Me bunny mon!

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crap…you are like the 5th person on here who is making bunnies, lol!

The first boss I plan will be Meta Ridly using these sprites from TSR:

I’m thinking I will do enough so it fights back and can do special moves against you. The hardest part I can think of is getting the tail to move independantly, ie draw each portion of the tail by formula. I might end up just spriting together the tail sequence … but I want to get it to move each part of the tail independantly somehow.

Current Progress:

  • Just added the Map System :slight_smile:

sorry, i meant when, not do you ever, lol

Not sure when … I was thinking of gettin a few new beams and making the regular suit first.

Tenka I got an idea! You sprite part-based, making both sprites of meta ridley and the tail! Have the tail with its own animation, and have it follow ridley! good? yes or no?

Thats what I meant by “spriting a tail”. Thats going to be my last resort.

I’m going to attempt to make each “piece” of the tail an individual sprite and draw them in a certain position on the screen depending on how it moves. I’m sure theres a way to do it … I might have to look up some maths and geometry.

lol, better off looking for where it has been done before, and learn from that if you can, its most likely the best way.

I havent seen any source lying around for this type of thing yet … but I havent really looked hard enough either. Nevertheless if you can figure something out yourself you have a far greater chance of completing it to satisfaction. I have a couple of ideas already… maybe I’ll do Meta-Ridley next.

meh, as long as there are no gaps in the end it works fine, whether you walk the path alone, or use a mentor, the end is there.

Hey tenka for the minimap did ya use Arrays??

Quoted from my reply over at MHQ:


I will critique you as a fellow fangame creator.

First: The controlls, however much like Super Metroid they may be, are laggy. Its very hard for some people to jump onto platforms and such because they either overshoot or undershoot everything, its hard to make acurate precise movements when the controlls are so … heavy. It feels like Samus is in the water.

Second … please, please do something about your graphics. The game is large, usually Metroid games dont have that big of a veiwscreen. The only real thing that bugs me is the static backgrounds. Try fixing them so they are not ‘stuck’ in place, but look a bit distant and offset from the foreground.

Other than that, this is a nice engine, and props for doing a good job.

See Kirby Dance!

(>“)> <( " )> <(”<)

Thanks for the feedback.

What you’re saying about controls actually translates to physics, its been a common complaint and will eventually recieve some proper attention. Compared to SM my game does have heavier gravity and stronger horizontal force when jumping. In SM its the other way around theres a stronger vertical than horizontal and theres less gravity and she falls slower.

As for the viewscreen I gave v1.3c full-screen mode at 640x480 I’m to take it you didnt like that? I thought it might have been a bit annoying myself but I thought it made the intro look a bit cooler heh. I will make 1.3d start in windowed mode.

I’m not sure what you mean by backgrounds “stuck in place” 1.3c had moving backgrounds… Are you sure you are playing hte latest version?

Thanks again.

seems a little bit clunky, but possible, might want to think about level layout a bit…i hate turtles…(sorry, i guess thats a personal thing, lol)


Not sure exactly what you’re talking about…

Heh, I checked out the latest version and yeah … the backgrounds look much better.

As for the viewcreen, you could cut it in 1/4rth without sacrificing too much … I dunno, it just seems a bit large … but then again thats just my opinon. You do what you think is best for it. If everyone else likes that viewport, then I wont complain either O.o

Well I dunno who decided that playing Metroid has to have a small screen. I mean sure the GB/GBA has a small screen but when I played SM on the SNES my TV was bigger than my fist and when I play any Metroid game emulated I full screen all the time.

I guess I’ll take it into consideration if there are enough complaints … but so far havent seen any more on this issue yet.

At the end of the day we’re playing it on a PC and the chances of it ever getting a port to a console are non-existent. Think of this as the “PC” Metroid view size … I guess.

Edit: On a side note, Meta Ridley barely fits on the screen as is =/ … I dont think making it even smaller would be wise.