Nintendo 3DS (Temp.)

its more powerful then the wii, lolwut


Not that it’s exactly advanced…

It’s almost as powerful as the 360

Super Street Fighter 4 3D edition looks AMAZING for a handheld.

It has some amazing horsepower, and it makes a 3-D image without the need for special glasses. I think that’s an amazing advancement.

screen is pretty cool, but it’s not

The 360 has a tri-core server CPU, this has a Cortex8 phone CPU.
The 360 has a radeon GPU that renders at 640p typically, this has a Tegra 2 phone GPU that renders at less than half that.

Is it powerful? Sure, but it’s really not that impressive. My phone is less then half the size and has just as much power.

no the 360 typically renders in 720p, there are just some games (CoD) that render in 640p because IW are incompetent, anyway, it seems that Capcom can still put 360 level detail into 3DS games due to the lower resolution, have you seen Resident Evil Revelations? (about 0:38 into the video) it looks like Resident Evil 5, on a freaking handheld. I guess lower resolutions really do help with low power hardware.

I could tell you that via PC experience. :stuck_out_tongue:

And no, most 360 games are actually done at 640, including all the Halo games which tend to be the graphics games to compare on 360.

IIRC both Mass Effects were also done at 640.

Its not an advancement. The technology has been there for years.

lower res means less pixels to render. Winrar :smiley:
Looking at the vid you linked, syntax, looks like the models are pretty high-poly compared to the ds. Also, notice the use of normal maps… That RE footage looks AMAZING for a handheld! I’m also glad they added the joystick-like thing to the 3ds (again, from your footage). I think i prefer those to the traditional 4-directional buttons.

Halo is the 360s yard stick? When did this happen, those games have never been about graphics as much as scale and the variable AI Bungie has always been so damn proud of, that’s why Gears 2, Alan Wake, and all of Capcom’s games bar Dead Rising look better than them, besides I’m pretty sure Reach is 720p as are Resident Evil 5, Devil May Cry 4, Gears of War 2 and Alan Wake, all three look better than Halo Reach.


Not there yet.

Anyways, just to compare how different these resolutions are:
The monitor I really want = 2560x1600 = 4,096,000 pixels
720p = 1280?720 = 921,600 pixels
My phone = 800?480 = 384,000 pixels
3DS = 800?240 = 192,000 pixels

Simple terms: The 3DS screen is 20% as many pixels as the 360 outputs. That also means that the 3DS only needs a GPU 30% as fast (not a linear thing) to render the EXACT same image.

Same argument applies with ‘3DS more powerful than Wii’, it’s rendering less then half the pixels.

Overall, the graphics capabilities may not be as good, but graphics processing capabilities per pixel may be better (at least for the wii).

well per pixel the 3DS is obviously capable of doing as much as the 360…in 3D

3DS is more “powerful” than the gamecube. It also has better graphics than Wii. Not egual to 360 but iabout in between the two. Btw it is new technology because its never been released before…making it new… its obviously never been used for video games.

the screen is new technology, the innards are not.

Tegra 2 is not all that. In raw processing power, I would put it between the N64 and GC. In feature set, in between the Wii and 360.

As for the 3D: It requires no additional processing power. The image is simply being rendered onto 2 400x240 screens that are interwoven, creating a 800x240 display (with only 400x240 pixels visible).

It’s like when the DS was new and all magazines wrote that it was as powerful as the N64.

256?224px, 320?240px and 640?480px.


Actually, that one can be argued, as certain portions of the hardware are indeed more powerful. :wink:

Who gives a shit about hardware? 3DS just looks cool. That’s reason enough to get it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not if you run them at the same resolution.
Let them battle in 640x480px and 60Hz.

this, you silly hookers