@ daz
i was actually in my uncles house that time, and i shot the robber (holding a knife) with my uncles gun. my uncle got charged, but hes a multi millionare like us so he didnt care.

and butch, dont hate hp. i have allways gone with hp. use a hp biotech fingerprint scanner then reply later.

I really don’t want to be flamed but Windows > Mac always and forever. But seeing how your uncles a multi millionair like you is that how you get all the cash to buy shit?

precicely. i actually have one hell of a trust fund, and get 250 dollars a month. in other words, i am spoilt. then again, its not my fault my dad owns a kick ass multi-focus company and gets me things because he can. ive basically gotten evreything i ever wanted.
im just one of those people who dosent worry about money and never has/ never will. unless we go bankrupt, because if that happned… well, im fucked.

the only bad drawing on the picture of my life is my stepdad [ex stepdad]. he is a leech. one of those big ones that holds on to your mother and takes all of her life savings and spends it on cheap holidays and booze. he hates all the rest of my family and couldnt give a fuck when my grandad died. all he could say was “shit happens” but he is no longer part of the family, so let that be a lesson to him.

??? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: What the hell are you talking about Mac’s are so much better for anything creative, besides Windows sux so much that it can’t run a mac emu but mac’s can run windows emus and if ya wanna know why, PM me and I’ll PM u my whole rant about the processor retardation.

HP computers, printers and scanners are cheap crap. You get what you pay for. And if you pay for a HP you get crap.

If you have that much money… buy a REAL computer.

Windows isn’t the only operating system that uses the x86 processor line, thanks. That’s not a difference related to operating systems.

nobody say hp is crap. most hp laptops are for buisness, not completely for games n’ such. i allways trust hp with this sort of thing. my dad happens to know high people in hp, and allways uses hp hings in buisness, because hp is an awsome company.

butch, im guessing you never owned a hp product. you cant judge it if you dont really own one.

ok, if it makes you feel better. I have owned HP stuff, and HP makes some of the worst hardware ever, at that.
They are, in a sense, like Microsoft. They try to monopolize everything, as in, ‘my way or the highway’.

Well, let me tell you one thing, for us people who aren’t spoiled brats and can’t afford paying an assload of money for shit, (since yes, HP stuff is also overpriced as hell), we get better stuff at a lower price.

Yes, that’s about it, kthx.

I actually got a much cheaper laptop from HP than I would have from Dell or the other places I looked. $600 for a 2 GHz XP Pro with a 128 MB graphics chip, 512 MB of RAM, and a 15.4" monitor, with just a 40 GB hard drive… I chose specs I liked, of course. But yeah, it’s the cheapest good laptop I could find/“design”.

2GHz?!? even for a laptop thats total crap, when I get my laptop my aim will be something like 4GHz (no I am not spoiled I just work hard)

Really? I’ve never had a computer faster than 2 GHz, although I’ve used plenty of them, and I don’t see enough of a difference in normal operation to care. Games may be a different story, but I don’t really play any–just Maple Story once in a while.

I’m sure the 2 Ghz processor was a low-voltage mobile processor therefore slower in Ghz. In reality the mobile processor should be benchmarked at +3 Ghz in the amount they process, kinda like AMD processors. The AMD Athlon 64 +3500* is clocked at 2.4 Ghz or something like that but it’s benchmark is compared to a +3.5 Ghz(+3500 mhz) Intel processor because of how much it can process data it once.

Boiled down…processors now process more data per cycle and don’t cycle as fast.
Example: each process the same amount of data
… smaller & faster (3.5 Ghz)
-----------------larger & slower (2.4 Ghz)

If you have a processor that takes the larger & slower path, it can run more stable, it will not require as much power, and it will generate less heat…which is good :wink:

Therefore you may not see “4 Ghz” on the package in the next 5 years but the horsepower will be well over that.

I’ve used HP computers at school. Four hours five days a week for three years. We had HP printers and HP scanners too. It’s pure crap, and the only reason the school bought HP was the price.

Buy a Macintosh and you can have OSX, Linux and Windows run native on the computer. You get a faster, more stable and a better computer an any HP or Dell in the world.

I know. AmigaONE and Pegasos are about the only new Personal Computers that use PowerPC instead of x86 processors.

Hewlet Packard computers are like Hyundai cars. Cheap plastic that will break if you look at it.

I think more cores are the future. Not superfast processors.
Look at the Mac Pro: It has two 3 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon processors. And the next step would be four of those processors.

I was gonna touch on it, but I was too sleepy. And your right, multi-core is the future and they are a better larger & slower concept. Rumor has it that the multi-cores like the new quad-cores will use even less power and make even less heat.

That’s what I’ve been told, but I clocked the processors myself and found no difference between the marked speed and the actual speed. It is, in fact, an AMD processor. Also, data processed at a time is determined by the processor bittage (ie. 64-bit, as you mentioned)–not by the brand. AMD processors marked as 2 GHz are the same speed as Intel processors marked as 2 GHz. (I’m in a class called Introduction to Microprocessors at the local college…)

If you were running a Windows XP OS on a Macintosh computer, and Windows got one of the 140,000 viruses and got infected, would it infect the Mac, or even Linux on a different drive.
BTW Macintosh>Windows>Linux in that order. Linux is too pissy.

way to be a misinformed n00b.

That’s all I have to say.

wot r u on about?

He means Lynux>Mac>Windows.

It should be UNIX → OSX → Linux/MorphOS/AmigaOS → DOS → Windows.