Physics Demo

its a cool demo only you jump a little bit to high…

high…what do u mean HIGH,didnt u play super smash bros melee???now that i call high

Speaking of jumping, I think it’s annoying how you jump a second time automatically. You should have to press the jump button a second time. Because if you hold the button, you still use up your second jump but don’t go as high as when you release jump RIGHT before the second automatic jump, and press it at the peak of your jump.

The second automatic jump isn’t that hard to fix, and it will probably not be there in the future.
On the first page, I read the failed to allocate back buffer thing. That is probably either because your graphics card doesn’t have enough memory or because you have a windows 98 and things like this NEVER WORK on them anyway. I’m not sure which.
good work on the physics demo, runs a little slow (at least on school computers) unless it’s in windowed mode. And things do run faster in windowed mode. I could explain it, but no one wants to hear it anyway.

hey…I cant find any mistakes so its good
btw this isnt nintendo with 40-60 professionals

Um, when is the demo going to be released?

what exactly do you mean by ‘this isn’t nintendo with 40-60 proffesionals’? and by that I really just want to know if you are saying that to me or someone else… :confused:

Demo runs very smoothly. Only one bug I can find. I give it a 9/10. Keep it up, guys! :astonished:

i think the phisics demo should have same enemys and all that crap. :metroid:

dude if you do the level with kraid and let samus jump, it is just the same jump as you do in a normal metroid game…

The physics are great, but i dont like the running speed increase. Why make samus run even fasteR?? The morph ball should be faster than running. BTW, i doubt we have 40-50 proffesionals. I dont know the team very well, but id say we only have about 10 PROFFESIONAL, game makers.

This topic is OLD OLD OLD OLD.
Almost a year now.

But anyway: we have exactly 0 professional game makers. So… we have 0. Not 10. Not 50.

But I agree with you on the running speed increase deal. I don’t like that either.

When will the full demo be released? You know, the one that will have the whole frigate sequnece? It hasn’t been out for a while! What’s taking so long?!
:metroid: :O_O: Oh no a metroid! :metroid: :metroid: :metroid:
Noooooooooooooooooooo! SAVE ME!