so much for my “playing the game with the controller would suck and be incredibly hard” theory.

You DID actually beat it, right? Not one of the people that think it ends with your character being burnt to a crisp? And the XBox version doesn’t skimp out on the levels?

nope all 19 levels and the GLaDOS fight at the end are there (unless there are more chambers on the PC)

anyways the controls are super simple

Blue portal: RT
Orange portal: LT
Jump: A/LB
Action: X/RB
Crouch: RS click/B

note i put the most common first

Is that what she/he is called? <_<

I just meant there are a couple of places where it looks like it would be hard without the accuracy and quickness of a mouse… like the ones where you have to shoot the portals in the floor and hop up to the next platforms… all of which are above the deathwater. But never mind, because you are probably going to have no idea what I’m talking about…

I remember that and i hated it, testchamber 18 right?

i think testchamber 18 was the last one (where you will be baked and then there will be cake). that was the last port of the second-to-last chamber (17 i think)

no 19 was the last, then the inner workings of the aperture science enrichment center

Yeah, something like that… close to the end, anyway.
Wait, now I’m confused <_< I don’t remember the levels very well, but I’m pretty sure the part I’m talking about is supposed to be still during the actual testing, before you escape.

Just curious, but y’know the part after the first rocket enemy or whatever? The little turret that fires rockets? There is a part where there is a hole in the wall, and you walk through, and you are standing over a giant fan or something…
how are you ACTUALLY supposed to get in there? Because I’m pretty sure my way was incorrect… I just brought everything to that spot that I could bring, and jumped on top, and tried to jump into the hole before everything fell down <_< Or is that how you’re supposed to do it?

Haha, I went through half of the game thinking how I did it was wrong!
That’s part of the beauty, you never think ‘OK, I’ve done exactly as the designer intended’

Yeah, but there are things where you just go “well… man… I’m stupid… should’ve known how to do THAT…”
Like, for instance, I went through have the game physically pushing the boxes around because I didn’t know you could hold E to move things around. And it’s hard as HELL to get the boxes on the buttons without lifting them up… you have to jump on top, and stand on the side to tilt it on top of the button… then hope it’s at the EXACT right angle not to fall sideways off of the button.
It just seems like there should have been more of a puzzly, intuitive, less frustrating way of getting up there, because… well, all of the other stuff kinda made sense. Compared to all of the other smooth solutions, stacking stuff up to try to jump into a hole in the wall seems out of place.

I thought it was pretty neat, using your environment to proceed, which was, of course, basicly what the game was about. Except this time, you didn’t use portals.

Yeah, I guess.
It would help if they actually stacked XD
It felt like I was playing an older 3D platformer… like, say, Mario 64. Have you ever tried continually jumping up a hill, trying to fool the game out of making you slide back down? Honest to god, it worked sometimes… But that’s what it felt like I was doing.

It’s strange, I now want to play Portal AND Mario 64…

Haha, yeah.

I would love portal64. Bowser would be owned.

lol, yeah.
That’d be a nice strategy if you did it right…
Knock bowser off of the stage, and create a portal on the side of the stage you are standing on (versus the wall of the stage… if there even is one) pointing at one of the mines, and when he jumps back up, create a portal where he’s about to land, and it should be enough speed to throw him into one of the mines. Aaaaaand repeat.

hah… now… if someone could recreate the Mario 64 levels and those goals, I would A. be completely impressed, and B. probably never have a life again ever…
I want to fly around Wet Dry Land with portals!

edit: explore
I chose the Amazon Dolphin.

you’re supposed to blow up the glass tube in the ceiling with a rocket from that turret in another room. then you’ll get a cube to put under the hole.
a chair is fine too >_>;

FUCKDAMNIT, I thought I tried that >_<
I also tried killing the turret with it’s own missile. It…

Er, interesting reaction, if you can get it to actually hit the turret. Try it sometime.

Yeah, it’s neat :smiley:

@Dee, or as I like to put it, ONE way of completing it :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I’ve gotten several different reactions. Once, it bounced off… another time, it just kinda… got stuck and exploded after a few seconds. Yet another time… it bounced right off, spinning all over the place, and then flew straight at me.
Hit me, too.

I love portal.

The only game where you can use a missile to blow up a tube, so you can get a box from it, so you can climb into a hole, so you can fight cute robots :smiley:

GLaDOS is NOT cute :cry:
Poor companion cube…

on the subject of the companion cube, why was it so special in the first place, aside from the hearts?

because it’s funny that way >_>