No, I mean… did it do anything else that I’m forgetting about, except for being needlessly slaughtered in a fiery pit of death?

Mainly GLaDOS’ lines, ‘The companion cube will never threaten to stab you, and indeed, cannot speak’

Also, I was referring to the turrets as cute little robots.

Yeah, I kinda thought so.
Those are… kinda cute.

I’d have one as a pet if it weren’t for the underlying destructiveness and sense of conflict within them.

I suppose “poking it until it falls over” isn’t a good solution to that problem, then?

At the very least, they don’t move, and don’t shoot unless something is in front of them. So… just point it at something you want destroyed? <_<

pick up → point → it’s deaded


Kind of a pity that they die by… y’know… falling <_<

Yeah, a bit of a design flaw, there.

Yeah, I never understood how that worked either…

maybe there’s a cube on a button in it, when it falls the box slides off.

also, i shot the tube with my magnum and noclipped through the vent >____>
didn’t do that on the xbox version though.