Random Experiments

Vista isn’t as bad as you make it out, have you actually used it for long perids of time?
OK, so UAC is a piece of useless crap, and it takes abotu 5 times the RAM of XP, and it’s install folder is 9GB, and aero isn’t really neccasary, but apart from that, it’s a good OS, and beats XP.

Though, IE7 is crap, utter crap, and I am pissed off at transparent PNGs. THere’s a bit of activeX to make them work, though, google it.
(Also, google OS could be cool.)

Vista has many flaws and extra junk that XP doesn’t have, without adding anything good to it.

It’d be okay if it added at least something that was useful to anyone.

Yeah, pretty much. So far, I’ve seen a shitload of ram wasted on pretty graphics effects, crappy manipulations by microsoft to force everyone to make the switch (which has less to do with the OS, but oh well…)… well, I also found out that it is basically impossible to do anything more complicated now… especially with networking. And then, when I finally did get the fecking OS to accept my changes, it automatically changed it back in ten minutes. And the only reason for this seemed to be to make the simple stuff easier, and keep people from getting too confused with things they didn’t know how to do. And, by the way… when I tried to change my IP, it asked me if I was sure I wanted to change it… I said yes, of course. Then another screen popped up, telling me my computer may be insecure if I proceed or something dumb… I said to continue. Aaaand I check my IP address, and it was back to what it was before.

Yes, if a long period of time counts a day of trying to network it with an XP computer to allow us to play SOME games together… and being that it wouldn’t let me switch the frickin’ work group, some games (such as Dungeon Siege 2) refused to detect the other coputer’s games.

…real intuitive…

OK, so it’s ‘simplified’, but everything’s still there.
Vista is more stable, has superiour memory management (XP’s was a real problem), and barely uses any more RAM than XP with everything disabled.
Yes, networking is a bitch, though.

I haven’t had any problems with memory or stability with XP Pro.

The only ‘improvement’ I can see from Vista over XP is DirectX 10, which I believe some video cards can support anyway. And while I think Vista would be decent on powerful computers, it just shouldn’t be sold preinstalled on crummy laptops than have a gig of memory and a frickin’ Turion processor. Oh, and shared video memory.

Awesome experiments you all have here! :sweat:

The very reason I just started a poll about Vista rather than keep the discussion here.

So anyways, I was thinking of modding my old N64 with broken buttons into a handheld. Sound like a good idea, or maybe not?

Hm… could be interesting… but probably difficult.
How 'bout implanting a phone into the back of an NES controller? (friend’s idea, not mine)

I’m also thinkin’ about a cordless phone with a power cord, so I can plug in my cordless wherever there’s a power cord, which is awesome in houses like mine where the phone wiring is fucked up.

That sounds… not easy. Well, I suppose I could rip apart the cordless’ dock I have around here, but I don’t exactly have a multitude of those… owait, actually I have a bunch of 80s/90s phone station relics in the basement, and I don’t think power/charging has changed at all since then. I’ll study a few of those (“study”) and try and rig something up.

Oh, and I think that it’d be easier to make an N64 into a laptop-thing. Maybe integrate with my long-dead GCN for the hell of it (laser got damaged).

Well… it theoretically shouldn’t be that hard. The only thing that might be difficult is bypassing whatever turns the phone off when you put it on the charger <_<

Might actually take some heavy modding… have it so when you plug in the phone, it doesn’t charge the battery, and disables it… and just runs the phone off of the power from the outlet. Seems like the easiest way to me.

You do realize phones don’t plug into wall outlets, right?
Cord phones work when there’s a blackout.

Yeah, I know cord phones don’t. And this idea is probably dumb for anyone who’s not me, but basically, the wiring in my house is screwy, so we have, like, three working phone jacks. One in the kitchen, one in the closet (…which I completely don’t understand), and one down stairs, which is freezing in the winter. I, of course, like talking on the phone in my room, and hate talking in any of those locations. My siblings also never put the phone on the charger. So I was thinking it would be nice to tap into an outlet to power a cordless phone so it would run off of that power, not the battery. However, most people don’t have my dilemma, so they probably wouldn’t understand why it would even be useful…

Oh, I see what you’re trying to do. Corded phones have nothing to do with it, though. You just need to disable the auto turning off of the set and make the charger less clunky.

i made a text editor in C#-class today, it can save and load .txt’s
is this awesome? i’ll answer for you: yes, yes it is.

hah… woot. It’s more than I can do right now.

Stick it to the man.

while we’re on the subject of programming:
how do i start an if when the user presses enter in a textbox?

In what programming language?

oh right, C#