well, in Resident Evil 4, it looks EXACTLY like an Uzi. and I posted a pic of a Los Illuminados in the RE42D forums.

Wait a minute: If you’re going to sprite the guns then why the hell am I making 3D models of them!?

Spriting for ingame play. 3D Models of them for the pause screen.

Well, that’s ok, but here’s the thing: the ingame guns will be on the characters. You need sprites of characters in order to make the guns. :confused:

…Oh ya… Good thing he hasn’t got started on those yet. hey, I have a job for someone and whoever does thins gets a special medal. Go find a forums dedicated to spriting and gather recruit some members. Maybe just advertise RE42D but if we get some spriters, progress will speed up. So if anyone wants to take up this job, register at the forums and just go do it.

EDIT: And anyone who has already registered knows what the medal things are.

What framerate will your game be running at? I need to know, so that I can make the TMP’s animations.

…I haven’t come across making that decision yet.


Here is the forum banner for affiliates:

Made by me and XMega. Err, I mean XMega and I. It will have animation pretty soon.
So, anyone who wants too, you can affiliate with us.

NICE! By the way Coolman i got some work done check out the improvements.

That looks good. Hey, BTW I got the model/that sprite delema figureed out. That sprite will be used for the Leon image at the top of the pause screen. The models will be used for when you organise your case/backpack thing and I will add an item info screen when you click a certain button when that item is selected(sp?) and you can rotate it and such and read about the item. Good idea? Bad idea?

I think that you should make the whole pause menu made with sprites but when you click examine for an item it would show the 3D model then you culd rotate as you say.

Ok, I’ll see if the team members like it on the RE42D forums.

Allright I hope they do.

i joined the forums. i hope to be of help to the game

Your avatar and sig at the RE42D are both much better than the avatar you have here. jsyk.

ya i got them from my starcraft forums. im gonna use them here too. Goes to edit sig and avatar.

on topic. so how far r u in gettin this thing finish.

The game will be getting worked on today a lot. (I have been very busy with various things these last three weeks) but the forums is looking beautiful! You know where the link is!
points to sig

Is there by any chance anything that I could help you with?

I’m lazy, but sometimes I actually finish what I start.
I have’nt played RE4, beacouse I hate Nintendo, and my PS2 more or less went “ZAPP!”

I hate complicated tiles and big animations, but I’m capable of pixel them with the help of enormus amounts of nicotine and beer.

Well, you can start by joining the forums! :smiley:>
Then I guess you could help on the other Leon poses. Progress on them is going ssseeeeeeelow! I’m trying on them, but damn! hard!

At least, I’ll check it out.
The last time I helped someone to make a game, I had to do all the backgrounds and animations by myself. :cry: