Religion, Science... Beliefs ok?!
That is the BEST picture. “i’mma rape youuuuuu”

You are thinking 3 dimensional where you should be thinking 4 dimensional.

The big bang theory is not ment to describe wat caused the big bang. It was designed to describe what happened just after, so that we could check the background radiation and see what happened in the beginning of time.

First there was nothing. Then there was the big bang. A noiseless explosion of matter. Then there were brainless zombies. Oh sorry, I mean religious people.
If you can’t think for yourself and think that shit in and old book and people in church should control you, then you ARE a zombie.

Oh, and by the way: Who created god? It’s parents? It’s dog? Tell me. I must know. If you don’t have answer, then your religion must be a lie.

I agree with the end of your post there liks

also God’s supposed omniscience and omnipotence is an oxymoron…explain that?

I’m just saying one of the most common argument’s I’ve heard against God is that things simply “can’t exist on their own”.

Well then that also rules out the big bang.

And God was created by himself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who’s thinking in 3 dimensions now, Liks? :stuck_out_tongue: If God exists, he would have to exist outside of this universe (in order to create it, duh), and therefore outside of time.

I’m not thinking 3 dimensional, I’m thinking practical:

If God just is, never was and never will become, wouldn’t it then be able to see our future (since it exist outside linear time)?

Why would it then create something like us if it created man in it’s own image?
Isn’t this god supposed to be perfect and shit?

And why do everyonecall it him? Have someone seen the holy kock of god?

The god can’t be perfect, exist outside linear time and be male. That’s just crazy. Like scientology crazy. At least their book is fun to read. The bible is not.

But those are the flaws of most sects of Christianity, not creationism in general.

But if everything needs to have a beginning and an end, doesn’t the god need a beginning and an end too?

What if our universe is just a part of a multiverse and there is no god?
There could be universes where linear time does not exist. Are the beings there some sort of gods by your standards since they do not die and cannot be born?

I just think that religions suck. They make you dumb.


don’t forget all the “holy wars”
13 or whatever motherfucking crusades
the war in the middle east

5 crusades, Syntax. Learned that in my U.S. History class, believe it or not.


Now we see the serious “outside the box” thinking that I once attempted, Liks. Don’t dwell on it, it’ll break your brain. Some of the answers to some of those questions just makes me think on an even more massive cosmic scale. Our insignificance just grew exponentially when you think about it. Our Universe is perpetually stuck inside another Universe immensely larger than our own. Well, shit, we’re even smaller grains of sand now. Heck, we’re not even grains of sand on a beach now, we’re the atoms of a single grain of sand in the middle of the Sahara.

We are insignificant. :frowning:

EDIT: Wow, that post sounded really emo. I guess I should kill myself now lol. (Not really, I’m actually in a really good mood. I realized my college finals are gonna be a breeze once I thought about it. So yeah…)

don’t forget that space is forever expanding and that were were less insignificant when you posted that then we are now

Woot existentialism.

But remember, s123i68 (I actually typed that without checking your name :smiley:!), We’re the only important atoms in the entire Saharan desert! Because we uh… I dunno. We just are, alright? Because if we weren’t, we’d feel bad, and we both know it’s logically impossible for the universe not to care if we exist or be concerned with what we do.

(I’m talking about the Jewish/Christian God here, and speaking as though everyone assumes he exists for my examples.)

So, uh…it’s impossible to disprove the existence of God for a simple few reasons:

He exists outside our universe, unconstrained by time and space.
He is all-powerful, thus able to make evidence pointing in the total wrong direction.
He decides what is good and what isn’t (sin is said to be “disobeying God”), thus making any false evidence justifiable.

I think people always refer to God as “he” because it was more common for the male to be the leader in the time of the writing of the original bible, no?

Maybe he created us despite knowing how we’d end up because some good is better than no good at all.

And the evidence that points to the bible being written after these other religions were made up, and the evidence that points to these alternate Jesuses being made before Jesus came, and so forth…all possibly true, yet all possibly false. Evidence really doesn’t work when it comes to detecting something beyond our universe. Maybe even if the supposed time line is correct, the alternate Jesuses could have once been simply prophecies 'er whatever.

So basically, my argument is that there’s no room for debate when calling an all-powerful being into the mix. :stuck_out_tongue:

And yeah, I think science and religion can coexist perfectly fine. God can cause evolution, he could have caused the big bang, and the funny thing is that it’s completely irrelevant how such things occurred.

interesting arguement deprogrammer :]

i haven’t even thought of it that way

I agree with Dep. Makes sense to me.

It’s good you haven’t, pom, since it’s not a valid argument. I can just as easily say everything Satan does is good. You can’t just avoid the omnibenevolence/omnipotence/omniscience argument by defining terms in such a way that it doesn’t apply. You have to first decide what constitutes good, then see if god fits it. Not vice versa.

So what you’re saying is that humans have the right to define good, rather than the God that made them.

Uh huh…

And how do you know that god made us?

It is easy to hide behind that mumbo jumbo. The “Oh no, you are wrong because God just wanted to fool you into thinking that dinosaurs once existed” crap is getting old.

It is impossible to have a discussion when I must be wrong all the time. And I must be wrong because the god “is all-powerful, thus able to make evidence pointing in the total wrong direction”. That sucks.

So I’m leaving this thread. I’m sick of religion, sects, cults and holy books with slightly homosexual men.

well getting into such an argument is my life in a nutshell so I can sympathize with the desire to leave.

In the end we can disprove all the “god is real because the Bible says so” arguments with a single comment, the Bible, Torah and Koran were all written by humans who claim to have been influenced by god, anyone who is following these storybooks because it was said to have been created by people god possessed is about as credible as me saying that I’m going to worship a book that I shall write because I shall be influenced by a force that I shall worship.

You’re suicidal?

Mason, I guess it boils down to whether you’d rather think for yourself or blindly follow a book. Yes, you are more important to yourself than God. If you go to hell, you’re worse off than if God goes to hell. Jesus proved that with gusto. Therefore, you should be making decisions about yourself.