School Society

… which isn’t fast enough. Didn’t you read the Jesus topic? :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol. Humanity is destroying itself. I give them 80 more years. By then, we’ll all be dead. Whether it be from nuclear war, epidemic, global warming or meteor impact.

Either that or it will be like that one movie from the '80s… What was it? Fireball or something? It was in the future and a nuclear war caused by the shortage of fossil fuels turned the planet into a desert, but somehow people survived and they fought for food and gas all the time. Pretty sad…

Oh yeah, about the asteroid impact, one is already on its way, they’ve seen it. It will reach Earth somewhere around 2020 but they keep saying that “surface fire should direct it off course.” Well what if it doesn’t? What then, assholes?

hmm suddenly i dont feel safe. seriously we have to shoot a missile at that asteroid or somehting before its too close. >_>

HS love? meh. i have thought i was in love a few times but it was probably just obsession. is it the same? is it the same if that person doesnt like you back or at all? i dont know. but either way, killing yourself is a waste so it was way overdramatic of that guy.

I’d love to see an asteroid not be diverted by a nuke.

Think about it. If the nukes the US dropped on Japan completely destroyed about a 1 mile radius, and we now have bombs 1,000 times as powerful, do you think an asteroid could get anywhere near us, granted that we are looking for it?

There is no “if it doesn’t work.” Hitting an asteroid with a nuke and wondering if it would divert it would be like shooting a squirrel with a 120mm cannon and wondering if it survived.

…Back on topic, please. School =/= nuking meteors/asteroids.

i bet school and nuking asteroids will be related one day =)

Sorry, Troid, one last off-topic response :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, you’re saying that a nuke will “blow up anything”. Ok, believe it or not, that one movie called Armageddon (you know, with the asteroid impact?) is not far from the truth. If the asteroid is large enough, our surface fire, no matter how “powerful”, will fail to divert its course. And even if it blew the asteroid apart, gigantic chunks would splatter themselves all across the panet’s surface, causing the same, if not more, damage than the singular asteroid alone. This would be even worse if the asteroid was on a direct course. We’d have no choice but to blow it up and end up with the same result: worldwide flooding and dust clouds blocking out the sun.

In simpler terms, unless it is as distant as the moon when it comes by, it will probably hit and there won’t be much (or anything) we can do about it.

actually, there is a much more simple way.

if we found it in time, all we would have to do is make a slight correction to its course by adding a slight force to a side, and it would miss us completely, and quite easily.

very correct gold leader, blowing it up would screw us up badly…

a minor course correction would be actually quite easy, since any amount of force applied would multiply itself a lot over time.

hm…thinks up relevant note …um…well anyways, teachers are ussually awesome…also, our school is having major budget cuts.

But do we have any super-long-range missile which could do that? Do we have anything planned for this anyway? No, so we’re screwed.

super long ranged missile?

we wouldn’t need that, we would have time, since we would see it long before it got to us in real life, there are many people…MANY MANY PEOPLE monitoring outer space, and with the stuff we have today, we would have roughtly 2.3 shigawats of time…

yes…i made up the shigawat…


my school is stopping the sale of pepsi or any good soda. it sucks. now i have to drink fruity drinks…
and my school is cheap. but they ARE remodeling. which is cool.

One last off topic response, and I promise I’m done :stuck_out_tongue:

If the nuke shattered the asteroid, then it would be in small pieces being burnt up by different parts of the atmosphere, so that would be better for us. None of it would get through, because it wouldn’t be in the same place in one huge mass with the outside gettind a lot of heat and the inside still cool. Also, if we hit it far enough out, many of the shattered pieces would likely miss the Earth entirely.

Now, if you are talking about a truly massive asteroid, say 100 miles across (unrealistic, I know) a nuke wouldn’t completely blow that up, but, if hit far enough out, it would keep it away from us. We have the tools to deflect one, but not the first-hand experience.

oh…im going into highschool this year and that means i finaly get to ditch the fruity drinks and get soda…

WAIT how the hell did you bring a topic about people in your school to blowing up asteroids with nukes?!!?!?

huh…dont know…

anyways, i dont like soft drinks as much any more, i and a friend had a soy sauce drinking contest (now, many of you may think that it is easy, but really, after half a bottle of swalling without wait, and it going directly to your stomach, you feel VERY SICK!) i have video on friends computer…

anyone want to see?

also, soft drinks now remind me of soy sauce…so…

agreed. death to racisim!

and my shool is basically emosville. about 147 or so out of 500 kids. a hate how they say stuff like “you called us now were gonna kill you in your sleep” i called one a satan worshipper and they hissed at me. i think that was just… gay.

Same here. Credits to whoever made that picture.

k well…im about to go to my first day of high school…someone hissed at you?!! thats retarded

Lol. My school is pretty preppy, but has a good number of gangsters, and most importantly…Whiggers. I dont like whiggers. They scare me more than Emo people.

Because i have to roast this The way to stop the asteroid is to send a large satilite to divert it’s course. The miniscule gravity caused by the satilite will be enough to pull it out of earths path.

And it will/would hit in 2036, not 2020.