

You argued for him because we lost a family member, and even a new member has to fight for all of us.

ya because babies can argue >.> (not an insult… just saying that new family members are babies usually)

Unless your adopted.

i knew that would come up… or benjamin button lol

Was that movie any good?

Hopefully, this will change!

Also how did you guys miss the conversation Daz JUST HAD with Dee about pointless, off-topic, single-word posts?

I have a short attention span. Thats how. And, that conversation spawned off of the conversation we were just having about the thread. So its semi related. ( I’m just asking to be warned )

Well I propose a compromise – the staff should be more lenient on isolated incidents and give lighter punishments, so long as the member body as a whole shows an effort to make posts more productive and relevant to the topic at hand.

Because naturally we all need authority that issues commands that go un-enforced.

Fuck off already about that, Tim.

Dazzy, wasn’t one of the rules No Profanity? Yeah. Way to go. lol. I’m just joshin’ but some may take offence. I choose to swear very un commonly, and I’m cool with others, but some people just don’t like that kind of fucked up shit. XD

Huh, I coulda sworn we had no rule about that. Interesting.

My point stands, though, because Tim’s been completely ridiculous about this whole “OMG MODS HAVE TOO MUCH POWER” thing for a long time. With vulgarity or otherwise, he’s being an idiot.

i was also unaware of a no profanity rule…
imma have to work on that…

Cause that’s what I said, right, Daz?

My model society is the US, as you may have figured out by now, and if a policeman tells you to do something, you have every right to tell him to go fuck himself. All you have to make sure to do is that he’s telling you to do something that isn’t a law. If you tell me to do something that isn’t in the rules, I should be allowed to tell you to go fuck yourself, too. Naturally, if you tell me to do something that IS in the rules, and then I tell you to go fuck yourself and do it again, you can punish me twice. But you cannot punish me extra just because you told me to stop. The only punishable form of disobeying a moderator should be exploiting the system to avoid actual punishment or pending punishments (bandodging, for instance).

Indeed. It’s somewhat buried and ambiguous.

My personal stance for the forum is “if it adds to the point, go ahead, but avoid excessive gratuitous use”.

I.e. “Wow, this is fucking horrible” would be a lot more acceptable than “Hey man, how the fuck are you?”

But time shall tell–the rules are supposedly being rewritten, after all.

Tim: This is not the US. This is not a democracy. This is a private forum, and we own this place.

Here’s a better example.

Ever notice how many stores and restaurants have signs saying “we reserve the right to remove you from the premises” or something to that effect?

Same deal. Just because the rules don’t technically forbid something (though in PY’s case, they did) doesn’t mean it isn’t disruptive. And if it’s disruptive, we WILL do something about it. The Air Bud Clause is not a valid defense.

Don’t like it? Door’s to your left.

Yes, the Rules are being re-written, by the GOD of this forum ( DF thats you ) and yes, how the fuck are you, makes NO sence. Hell fits WAY better. XD.

Yeah, I don’t understand it either, but apparently that’s the “street” way to ask.

You’re using “is”. I’m using “should be”.

1 member is celebrating his/her birthday today

*Timmeh miss :[

Um… great, okay then.

Tim: This should not be the US. This should not be a democracy. This should be a private forum, and we should–and do–own this place.

Here’s a better example.

Ever notice how many stores and restaurants have signs saying “we reserve the right to remove you from the premises” or something to that effect?

Same deal. Just because the new future rules may not technically forbid something doesn’t mean people won’t be disruptive even within the rules. And if it’s disruptive, we WILL do something about it. The Air Bud Clause should not be not a valid defense.

Think about the purpose of government and the purpose of private enterprise, and see which one P2D matches up better too. Government/P2D exists for the well-being of its members, private enterprise exists for its own well-being. P2D could treat its “customers” (non-members) like shit, IF P2D had a full-time team. Name one currently active* team member and you win a cookie.

*Making things for the project and using the forums frequently.