
Sorry, I just was a bit annoyed at the quick turnaround, it seemed…well suspicious >.> But now that you’ve explained yourself, I guess I’ll give you a chance. As it was, it was pretty hard to do so under the circumstances ^_^;; Just chill a bit >.< :sunglasses:

my how opinions change so quickly…

pwease can we has our Zurgie back?

“I should not have banned Zurg, but I’m not going to unban him.”
That’s like saying “I should not have let that guy out of jail, but I’m going to let him run free anyways.” It makes no sense. If it should not have happened in the first place, it should not uphold now.

I agree ten fold with CMC. Also 072, we don’t hate YOU we hate your DECISION. You’re a cool guy (or at least you seem it) Were a family here, and we need one of our childrens back. DF! Please play God with Dazzy and bring him back. WE LOVE HIM!!! (and I for you not gay )

With all due respect, I technically outrank 072, so I’ll take a quick executive action and allow Zurg back in now that the truth has come out about all this.

However, he will remain demoted and with posts on watchdog status until further notice, just in case/to appease both parties.

If anyone finds this to be objectionable, sorry. Hopefully, we can work it out to a nice compromise without killing off productive members of the project.

The Daz hath spoken.



Oh, sorry, I thought it was one of those times where we all say it together, you know, like “Glory to the Hypnotoad” or something.




I know there was, but when “something happens” make sure there’s a warning. Most of the time they help.


Godammit, how many bandwagons have I jumped onto this week? I mean, forget everything else, THIS FORUM ALONE…
Yes, I’m considering “daz hath spoken” a bandwagon.

I’m shutting up before I make myself look like an idiot, I’m way too tired for this “grammar and sensical posts” bullshit.

Why does firefox’s spell checker pick up sensical and not nonsensical?


Let’s break out the glow sticks! DiscoRoller Night on P2D!

Knock that shit off. I’m flattered, but you’re spamming.

Yay, Zurgs back! Wait, who is he anyways?

QFT. (and by the way, I don’t think that that’s spamming.) Thanks Dazzy!

posts on watchdog
please do this with all members, this forum looks like an IM conversation more often than not.

It doesn’t matter what you think. As PY has taught us, when a mod asks you to stop something, you’d better stop it. >_>

Dee: It’s more complicated than that, though. We don’t have the manpower. That feature requires every post of his to be OK’d by a mod before it appears in a thread–fine for a member or two, but the entire forum would disappear pretty quickly :stuck_out_tongue:

okay i dunno, minimum-words-limit is the only idea i have that would actually do it automatically
but i guess people will fill their posts with “this is totally not spam or anything i promise” so it’s a useless feature and i don’t think you can add it to invisionfree anyway.

Oh, so I’m under watch? Hey mods. :stuck_out_tongue:

So wuzup yall? I’m back. Thanks for fighting for me. :smiley:

Edit: Oh snap… 90% warn?

Sweet, Zurg is saved. Now who are you and why did I argue on your behalf?