What We Hate the Most! (Relations' Topic)

Oh yeah, I see a relationship topic coming on. 8)

Either way, I am one of the few people on the internet who isn’t a geek. >_>

Really, do you HAVE to be a geek to love metroid?

I don’t think so I’m the living prouf :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing:

I tried that sneak attack just today…“Wanna come to my sister’s B - Day Party?” “Ahhh, sorry - I have so much to do this weekend” “Alright, can you come to mine then” “Yeh, of course” - Yeh right…w/e…I’m sure she will…I’m changing this topics title…lol

Hey, Im not a geek, really, im much more of a loner, hey dont insult me for this, I like being alone, I only have a verry small group of good friends, but i’m still not even that social with them, so yeah in the long run…

Loner= Shy, loves food…

And yeah, scince im shy I wouldnt really ask a girl out till im older, and ive never even had a girl friend or even kissed a girl, im 14, yeah you would expect me to, eh?
But I really dont have a problem around males, I really dont know how to say this without sounding gay, but I gues… men…boys… whatever, I just dont feel comfortable around the oposite sex, and am very shy to…no girl friend till 18?

There are too many adds on this forum…

dude I’m having quite same ! (small group of good friends)

and that of not feeling comfortable with the opposite sex, just talk with them, more then you do normally and you will just feel comfortable over time… worked with me… :wink:

i hate fools like you:D
and me no geeks
really geeks are fools that got no life HACKERS

What tha fuck are you babbling about, >x<ino?

Anyways. Excuse the language.

I hate my girlfriends parents. Her and I have been together for three years and they still give me a hard time about everything, about my religion, my belifes, my future, my job, my education … they just judge people so much. They dont even have any freakin right to judge the relationship I have with their daughter, cuz its not like they are very good parents … for reasons I will not disclose.

Anyways. I also hate liars. And idiot drivers. And cold weather. And …

Okay I will stop.

how do you know that the ‘hot’ girls i speak of aren’t nerdz?
ps i love cold weather, but that might have to do with the fact that where i live the summer average is over 100…

I live in Canada so I love cold weather I live in Canada, so I have to…

Bring on the -25degrese!

lucky!! i live in arizona, so yeah… its an f…ing desert down here!!

So, what do I hate?

  1. People who give into peer pressure at the drop of a hat and only do what everyone else is doing.

Let me tell you a story.

At one time, during elementary school, HALF OF OUR CLASS PLAYED POKEMON. (including me) During recess and lunch. Almost nonstop. They all loved it right up to Grade Six. Then, all of a sudden, I hear: “Pokemon is gay.” Suddenly, the Game Boys were dropped as if they were on fire as all of the mindless sheep follow the leader. Within a few days I hear mocking cries of “Go, whoever!” as these people, who were, just over ONE MONTH AGO, were playing the hell out of the game they are now mocking. It took every bit of resolve I had not to take each of their old cartriges, with the Elite Four beaten, almost everything collected, about a bajillion zenny, MewTwo caught, and the PokeDex 3/4’s full, and ram them right down their throats to remind them of just what they were playing a scant month ago.

Me, I never followed.

I never give in to peer pressure, ever. I’ve been ridiculed, I’ve been laughed at, but I never let it change me. And when some little idiot comes up to me and says Pokemon is gay as I sit there with my good ole backwards-compatible GBASP and my old copy of Pokemon Gold, I remind him who was playing it three years ago like they were addicted to it.


I just can’t beleive that no one ever follows their own mind. They wear what everyone else is wearing, do what everyone else is doing, adopt the values of what everyone else has, play the games that others are playing. Heaven forbid that anyone would ever follow their own mind for once!!

  1. People who make unfounded accusations without reasearching their topic first.

Revolution controller. That’s all you need to know as an example.

  1. People who refuse to listen to logic.

I hate the retards who refuse to admit that anyone else might ever possibly be right and insist that “YR OPNYEN SUXRS!!” and that this is the best console, no arguement, that this game is the best game ever, and if anyone happens to open their mouths and complain, these people burst into a rage and start yelling incoherently, unable to comprehend that someone might just have a different opinion and that things aren’t static.

  1. People who refuse to work in groups.

At school, I’m constantly confronted by orders from the teacher to form a group. I get in a group. Everyone else jokes, laughs, talks, and does everything EXCEPT the work. It’s always something new that they manage to distract the others with.

And you know what? That thing we were working on gets graded. We all get graded depending on how we did with each other.

And their failure goes on MY record.

  1. People who jump to conclusions.

News flash. If you see someone fat, don’t immediately think that they’re just pigs who can’t stop eating. MAYBE, just MAYBE, they have a MEDICAL PROBLEM!! GASP!! It’s the find of the CENTURY!!

I have a liver disease, an intestinal disease, severe insomnia possibly due to tinnitis, bouts of severe nausea, the occasional ulcer, and was on medical steroids for a time, which was the reason for my sudden weight gain. With all of these problems, it’s very tough for me to get excersize. I am not obese because I don’t eat right. I’m obese because I just can’t excersize. Try thinking about that before you start laughing, Einstein.

That’s proving a stereotype. :sweat:

I dont care!
You should know it does get verry cold here during the winter time.

I don’t hate anything.

In the end it’s just you and yourself and, well…yourself.

Life is too short to complain.
Even though I waste my life on the computer.

i think your lucky. at least you CAN gain weight! im 14 and weigh 85 pounds!!!

Thats exactly why I don’t work in groups… too many idiots that goof off throughout

the block, with no better excuse for not working than "we took turns saying the word

‘poo poo’ louder and louder."

Really, I hate the public school system. It all boils down to this- hot girls can get

almost anybody to do about anything for them. Next up, jocks will usually threaten

to ridicule or beat you up over copying work, or some other task that most apes

could do. Then, come the geeks and nerds, like many people here are stereotyped

to be, your low rung prey.

Me, I fit into the ‘geek’ category, or so society has labeled me. Don’t mistake me for

some fruitcake, I’m merely stating facts- it really must suck to be one of the

nerds (or geeks) unable to even defend themselves from others. Anyone pathetic

enough to have to cheat their way into a higher grade doesn’t deserve free public

schooling, they deserve to get themselves beat up once in a while to set them in

their place. Personally, I’d be happy to oblige if their weren’t any adults to stop me.

But, that’s how life is. A famous Greek once described the kind of hatred that I feel

for my would-be oppressors- "I hate as I hate Hades’ own gate, that man who hides

one thought inside him, while he speaks another."

Society is in a downward spiral, and the example that Atilla forged from Rome’s

blood shows us clearly how we could prevent such disaster from befalling us.

But, as laze spreads, so will military and economic failure. Not to be a prophet of

doom, but the kind of repression that happened in the twelve hundreds BC could well

repeat should we lower our guard.

Amazing how agreement can boil into a rant over the World’s inability to learn from

history, isn’t it? :confused:

LOL, I weigh at leasdt twice that, yeah more I weigh 170 pounds!


yeah. it sucks.

You don’t weigh 170 pounds, Got_Metroid…

[OFFTOPIC]Do you weigh me or something?

Last time I checked I was 160 pounds, that was at least 6 months ago. >_>[/OFFTOPIC]

As you can see I get many topics offtopic.

A couple of days ago, you said that you were 140 pounds.