Which MP2 Item...

The just-in bailey, I don’t know. But the screw attack is probably because the jumping is in a corkscrew spin, or one of nintendo’s little jokes, or both.

The code isn’t Justin Bailey, its Just in Bailey. Supposedly “bailey” is slang for “bathing suit.”

Yeah. It’s a pun. Sounds like a name…but…yeah…they did that on purpose.

The code is


It was made like that so people wouldn’t figure out so easily it meant Just In Bailey.

Meh. That’s what I meant. Perhaps I should pay more attention to my grammar.

I never did beat the original metroid. I came pretty close but decided “Eh, what’s it worth”. I mean I can see that being a sensational nes game (not as much as megaman albeit) but I mean, now we have metroid zero mission.

Zero is far inferior in every way except the new parts… :neutral_face: Primarily due to a ridiculous lack of difficulty and obsession with fitting things in that had no place whatsoever. Oh, and uninspired minibosses. In the other games we have towering plant-mantises, six-eyed melting crocodiles with clawed arms, cycloptic phantom cephalopods, giant plantforms that spew corrosive spores and swing around the room, 50-foot-tall mutagen-enhanced teleporting space pirates, and a massive spider that spacejumps around the room spitting fireballs. In this, the original bosses include a worm, another worm, a larva, a pupa, a bee, a robotic remake of a previous boss who simply uses the atttacks off a boss from Prime, and a ‘boss’ who simply takes the idea of a generic enemy from Prime and gives it a mirror aspect. The chozo ghost is the only remotely original of the new bosses, and barely at that.

I was comparing zero mission to metroid, not to anything else.

At least Zero Mission comes with the original Metroid. :slight_smile:

The original metroid was alot harder in my opinion due to the lack of say movement capabilities.

IMO, Metroid I is a better game, but M:ZM has better technology.
DOUBLE POST!!! :imp: :imp: :imp:


The Annihilator Beam might be awesome, but too bad it’s really useless… :cry:

Yeah it’d be awesome if it wasn’t ammo’d.

If the Annihilator Beam didn’t have ammo, this would be the stupidest game ever.

Well yeah, but in theory, it’d be fun.

Ummm, not for me. I don’t like games that are just ho-hum easy. I like to be challenged by video games.

Well duh, but I’m saying like, wouldn’t it be cool if after beating metroid prime echoes on hard with 100% you could unlock this thing where you could play through the game without beam ammo or something?

Just get an AR.

Pay? what’s it worth? sides I suck with code-thingies, or they hate me