worst metroid game?

If Hunters and Fusion don’t qualify as a Metroid title because they stray from the original formula, Pinball hits pot bottom on that scale. o_O

Pinball is NOT considered a metroid game, it’s just a spinoff.

It IS a Metroid game.

But it’s the worst one.

Weren’t you just bitching about the “IS” “IS NOT!” arguing in the Debate topic…?

Fear my hypocritical skills.

Because it isn’t an actual metroid game…

EDIT: Haha, awesome.

MP2 - It had some nice bits, bit the light/dark was annoying. Plus, there seemed to be alot more “collect arbitrary items” than in MP.

Fusion- Although it was fun, the linearity of it defeated the purpose of Metroid all together.

Zero Mission- After the fiasco that was fusion, it appears they deliberately made the game easily breakable; doing things out of sequence just didn’t feel rewarding.

All other Metroid games were fine though. I’m not counting Hunters or Pinball.

The worst Metroid game to me was Metroid 2.I found it dumb because all you do is go around killing metroids sheesh :sweat: .Second worst:Metroid Prime 2 it was really hard going through Dark Aether’s atmosphere :angry: .

but the one i hate the most is mph. basically because the story made sucked eggs.

I thought MPH’s story was pretty unique.

Well what do you want them to do? :\

They’re kind of stuck.

Either they board the game up and get complaints, or they open it and… um… get complaints.

They can’t put accidental SB’s in. But they also can’t just make the game free-reign or it’d be too easy to get stuck.

No matter what choice they make, they get blasted to hell for it.

If only for that, never again will a Metroid reach the love among players as SM and MP did–it’s too late for that first step to be retaken, and now they have to be conscious about SB’s, one way or the other.

That’s true.

That’s why I never enter this topic. It’s not really fair to say that one metroid game is worse than another (unless it’s MP2).

I found super metroid to be difficult (though that was several years ago). Even though metroid 2 was just killing metroids, and was difficult because of the lack of a map, I still found it enjoyable. I dunno if that was laziness, or a tech issue, but if you look past it, it’s still a good game.

I find Metroid prime 2 to be the biggest metroid dissapointment. I played it before I played MP1, but when I went back and played 1, I realized that MP2 didn’t feel very metroid. It was too cliche, and the dark world atmosphere crap was just irritating. It felt like you had to rush from point A to point B without time to enjoy the game. The game probably would have been fine without the dark world, and more light areas, but that’s just my opinion. The GF troopers were a great addition, but the Luminoth just sorta sucked. Too cliche, but the bad kind of cliche. So compared to P1, prime 2 just wasn’t good enough. Not that it was terrible.

Hunters. Well I have no complaints about hunters except the repetitive boss battles, and short levels. I like when nintendo tries new things that still stick somewhat to the original formula. The multiplayer would have been crap if they had stuck to lock on. And if they had had it in single player and not multiplayer, it would feel like a crutch when you went back to single player. The hunters werent too bad, sorta flat though.

Still, I think hunters get too much crap.

End of unorganized rant.



Huh? Metroid II’s lack of a map is really the only thing it has going for it.

Yes, yes exactly. It isn’t a horrible game, but it sure looks that way being a sequel to Prime. You know, many people were dreading Prime because of the whole FPS thing. The reason everyone loved it was because it didn’t feel like an FPS, it felt like a metroid game. Apparently, Retro and the like thought Prime was successful for the exact opposite reason, hence MP2 and hunters. (And now MP3). While Prime was amazing, this is why I’m certain that we won’t get another good metroid game until they go back to 2d.

Well, you can see above for my comments on Hunters.

The worst metroid game in my list is, Metroid Fusion that annoying Sa-X chase you around to much and you cant get the ice beam but ice missle oh wait you can get the Ice beam at the last of the game going head on with the omega metroid.

heres some more reasons:
I don’t like the fusion suit
I hate that annoying computer
I don’t like Samus new ship.

Fusion did go a seperate direction in terms of classic Metroid gameplay, but that doesn’t make it the worst Metroid game out there. Have you ever played MPH?