WOTW Sprites and Artwork

Once when they have the MP3:C version of the space pirate or new bounty hunters and then I will.

heres a suggestion for future sprites u do… when u have a color, like orange or red, make 4 or so shades of it so u have alot more to work with then just a solid color.

Oh ok I may go by that thanks. soon my sprite will look real good I hope.

Here’s edit 4

Its been 3 day with no commet and here the edit 4 with the morph ball, since the rule say you can double post if there are no comments in 3 days.


i think it looks good!

My advice: work on the details. The visor looks off-centered, the shoulders are too boxy, and the lines on the waist show prominently with no detail around them. Plus they shouldn’t be solid black like that, I’d say more of a dark yellow. As for the morphball, it looks to me like everything is off-centered, including the lines around the edge. Still, it’s better than my first sprite. Keep trying.

Ok I work on the Morph Ball, the visor really doesn’t need any changes to it and I fix the yellow color to the suit and I will put it up tommorow afther school.

Here a custom sprite of The Unkown Robot( No Name) I made it last night around 11:00 and finish it about 12:00 A/M, and I whould like if someone give me an idea of what to name it.

Here’s the Unkown Robot
The Unkown Robot

he looks a bit fat, and his arms are way far away from his body.

i really dont have a name for him but he looks cool =p

Here’s an updated version of the Unkown Robot.

Unkown Robot update 2

Here’s Gorea Frist Form
Gorea Form 1

And here’s a Machine Control Panel

machine control panel looks too cartoony (too many bright colors)

like the gorea

still dont like the unknown robot though.

Ok I will change the color to the MCP, and The Unkown Robot make him a little taller and here is a new samus aran sprites of MP3:C

Samus Aran Varia suit 2 Corruption

looking good… still needs alot of shading though.

Here is the shaded version
Metroid Prime 3 Varia suit 2 edit

And I decided to make a phazon suit with the first MP3:C varia suit
Phazon suit MP3 varia edit

And also I sprited the ship in Metroid Prime 3
Samus’s Ship MP3:C

And here the Omega Pirate custom made still needs some work
Omega Pirate

I did a little shading and fix the visor of the suit up and add some shading to the phazon suit mp3:c

Varia suit MP3:C finale last one edit

Phazon Suit MP3:C finale last edit

i really think you shouldnt put “last edit” on them. There’s always improvements to be made, heck, the samus sprites for p2d arent even done yet they’ve gone through so many changes.

Ok they need alot of work I may use them as an outline for a new one and make them more 2d instead of a box for the shoulder pads, And fix the visor a lot. 2 week from the Internet and on the forum. It fells good to be back on the net again.

They have contrast, but it looks too cartoony. You should add a darker shade of orange in the armpit (bad example), and other dark places. BTW, i like your style, its funky looking. Almost like Metroid WW style.

I fix it up and add some gray to it and fix the shoe and legs a little and add some grey under the shoulder pad.

Metroid Prime 3 Varia Suit

I’m also working on missle and bombs and some space pirates as well and some beam weapons like the plasma and wave. I should have the beams up by tomorow sometime.

Add more contrast in the shading.