Like I said, that warn system is no longer in place. You’re certainly right about the second part though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah. But hey, if your not running on that system, can you get DF or Daz or Troid to post the new system your running on? It would be good to know what the consequences are. Also, “What we feel like” isn’t good enough for any of us.

072 and Daz have the power to ban and suspend, and did so with their own discretion. If anyone gets punished it would be their own fault, or 072/Daz wouldn’t have said power. Even though I don’t entirely agree with the bans, and I think they were at least somewhat based on anger, they happened, and it can happen again.

Maybe there should be an update to the rules. If any time, now would be the best. From now on, it’ll be clearer, and it can prevent any further drama.

But yeah, Zurg could’ve just been demoted from the team. Then if he still acted up, he could’ve been warned, then suspended, then banned. As for PY, I can’t exactly remember what happened.

Sending a warned person a message why they’ve been warned could also clear things up a lot. Failure to communicate properly could be a major factor in bannings/suspensions.

Let’s just clean it up and work on P2D. That’s what the forums are for (mostly).


Hey, when is Timmehs suspension over? I know he has an alias, but still. Oh and get Destroyer F to update the rules. Not Dazzy. I like DF. I looked up to him when I was younger, and I still do. He had the funniest updates for P2D’s site. I thought he was God, and that still goes. Destroyer F > Dazzy, 072, and everyone else on this board.

DF is God
Troid is jesus on stilts

A lot of the strong driving forces at the start of this project are gone. It sucks.

what wee need is someone whos online ALOT and can actually do something
(second part excludes me ;D)

Every time I return, and come to say something, it’s been said. So…read Phlake’s post…>_>

lolz forum war :stuck_out_tongue:

It should be a movie. I’m always on, but I don’t do much. I try to.

Well I S’pose that second part excludes me :confused: NOT very talented with a mouse…

I don’t expect a police officer to pull out a lethal injection syringe when he pulls me over for speeding. Part of written law is the scale of punishment, which you grossly violated.

Oh, and Under the Ashes, thanks for supporting me, but I already was a mod here once, and got booted for plotting evil deeds. Truth is, I’m really unstable and unreliable when it comes to responsibility, so I don’t think I’d make a very good mod :frowning:.
Also, my suspension is for 1 month. So, March 24th or something like that.

punishment did NOT fit the crime

If everyone followed the rules just like me we wouldn’t have these drama threads.

But then I’d never see a good soap opera. And why were you suspended for a MONTH!?!?!?!?!

All things considered, Tim doesn’t really deserve a suspension any more than everyone else in this topic, so he can go back to using his old account for now.

“Thank you for listening to ‘All Things Considered’ on NPR Radio.”

ON TOPIC: Rule update?

Well you’ll have to wait for Daz, but would adding “insubordination of any kind is not tolerated” really make you guys feel better? :laughing:

Not that it doesn’t already fall under “use common sense when posting”…

It’s only common sense where it’s assumed that the mods have absolute power. It’s not common sense to listen to authority just for its own sake in democratic first-world countries really. You’re expected to stand for your rights.
And it’s certainly not a law in any democratic society I’ve heard of.

Assuming there was such a thing as democracy on the internet was your first mistake, then.