**Build demo topic**

I cant get past the two doors by the save room, I can’t open the bottom one and there is no other way.

the demo looks great! the only criticizms is the black outline on tallon IV caused by anti aliasing on the edges… also, the turrets dont drop any items…

can u plz tell us how to get to the para queen? =)

Fine. Hint 2. (though I think this really gives it away)

It’s easy to figure out if you just mess with the save file, btw >_>

I got Metroid Prime last night and got past the pirate frigate so I know what to do, but the door will never open. You could have stuck another scan pole in y’know.
I still don’t get it though. What does speed demo archive have to do with getting there?

maybe u have to get there in less than a minute or something… if thats the case, i will never be there! im too unused to the buttons.

Like Troid said, if you mess around with the save file, its easy to figure it out.
And, heres something else you can do:

hehe, way too easy. Are the data files gonna be encrypted or something on the real demo? Cuz if not, then anyone can do wut i did and beat the game in a matter of seconds. BTW, the parasite queen looks great! I cant wait to fight the beast for real!

wheres the save file? ='(


yahoo! hooray for editing data files with notepad! and yay 4 para queen!

I set my missles to 1337 but I can’t cahnge the room im in though… What do I do for parasite queen room?

when you do something, it causes both the blast doors to be opened when you “insert a metal sphere.”

god, ya might as well just tell them, they are completely clueless and they have had enough clues. seriously.

yea please tell us. i really wanna see the pq.

You just have to get there in a certain amount of time. Not sure how much time, so go as fast as you can. <_<

I think the demo is great. I really think that you should remove the thing where you have to get to the second Morph Ball door in a certain timelimit, because that takes away the fun of the game. Also, It was mentioned that this demo had the beta Parasite Queen in it. It looks AWESOME! I wouldn’t chnage it at all, it just flows so nicely, and it just looks great.

I do have one complant though: the turrets. You have to get a missile onto a certain point before they explode, if you hit it anywhere other than that point, the missile won’t do anything. This gets annoying when you’re trying to get through it fast so you can make the second Morph Ball door open.

i Finally got it wrking on the pq! but when i quit the game this message appeared "ERROR in
action number 14
of Draw Event
for object main:

In script drawmap:
Error in code at line 16:

if (global.mapvis[(global.mapx)+i/3,(global.mapy)+j/3]==true){

at position 17: Unknown variable mapvis or array index out of bounds

action number 14
of Draw Event
for object main:

In script drawmap:
Error in code at line 16:

if (global.mapvis[(global.mapx)+i/3,(global.mapy)+j/3]==true){

at position 17: Unknown variable mapvis or array index out of bounds


what does this mean? should i just delete it?

how doyou get to the pariate queen??? please tell me!

edit: ok forget it, i got to the parasite queen!

I wanna know how to hack to the PQ, yet nobody told.

You open it if you get there Fast and when i say fast meen FAST

That message is odl, I just wanna know how to hack it

go to data/data1. open it with notepad. it should give you something that looks like this…


00001 <----- this is the time meter… set it to 00000 or 00001. after this is done, open the demo and load the game you saved. go to the room with the 2nd spherical hologram, and use the hologram. both doors should now open up.
Space Frigate
LOTS OF 1s and 0s in this line!!!


All those extra 0’s aren’t really necessary, and it doesn’t just have to be 0 or 1 as long as you can make it to the hologram before a certain time. If you’re really paranoid about getting there on time, just set your time to -999999999.

And btw, it’s not really a spoiler. It was just stated how to get to the PQ, so explaining how to edit a text file to change your time so you don’t have to go through the whole demo again doesn’t spoil anything. :stuck_out_tongue:

(just so everyone talking about editing the save files doesn’t have to take up half the page with spoiler warnings)