**Build demo topic**


Sorry, totally forgot about it :blush:

Also time to post some more demo news.
Iā€™m almost done with the hard parts, the scan visor is as good as done. After that, thereā€™s only 1 hard part left end thats the intro >_>
Almost thereā€¦ I expect that the next demo will be done sometime next week.

In 2.6 you could see the pq when you were fast, that feature will not be in 3.0, Iā€™d like to keep the pq under wraps for now, got some great ideas that I donā€™t want to spoil.

Wut D: no PQ >.> Oh well, good luck with the rest of the demo DF

HUGE sigh
Ok, the scan visor is completely redone. That was not easy >_>

All thatā€™s left to do now is:

  • finish off enemies
  • room design (17 rooms)
  • fix glitches
  • death screen
  • intro

The intro could take a while to redo. Iā€™m thinking of leaving it out of this version. 072 is remaking the intro sprites, donā€™t know when he will be ready.

Without the intro, I could release the demo sometime this weekend.
With the intro, donā€™t know when it can be released.

So, what do you guys prefer?

If we wait for 072ā€™s sprites it could take a while. So I say release what you so far. Spriting is a process that canā€™t be rushed. otherwise you get ugly sprites.

Prefebrably you make the demo without the re-done intro so we can experience the 2.6 with your 3 stuff

I have most of the line art done, but the problem is, the frigate has to be made in layers to give the cutsceneā€™s zoom-out some depth, and finding the best way to do that is no easy taskā€¦

Post Showā€¦

Another Post Showā€¦

I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with releasing a 3.1ā€¦ <_<

Hey umm has this demo been fixed yet? Because I want to get past the map room really badlly-- OH CRAP A METROID!! :metroid: :O_O: ACK HELP ITā€™S CHASING MEā€” AAAAAUUUUUGGGHHHHā€¦ dead XX

ā€¦Itā€™s like 2 years old. Weā€™ve had a billion demos since then, with the map room included.
EDIT: That is, if DF never updated the first post, which Iā€™m pretty sure he didnā€™t.
EDIT2: Wait a minute, why does it say ā€œ3.0ā€ then? Iā€™m confused.

It says 3.0 beta 4, which is the latest version currently.

The real v3.0 will come later today :slight_smile:

To clear things up:
3.0 = 2.6 content wise (well, almost) , the beta versions of 3.0 were meant for debugging and feedback.

3.1 = full demo? who knowsā€¦

Yea, double post, but who caresā€¦

The new demo is ready, but canā€™t find any place to upload it.
Mills deleted the old p2d folder + revoked my access, so my main upload space is gone. I even left a readme file in my folder for mills to notify me if heā€™d delete it, but guess what? No warningā€¦ fucking asshole.

Anyway, Iā€™m trying to find a place to upload it, since 110mbā€™s doesnā€™t work either.
Iā€™ll edit this post as soon as I uploaded it.

edit http://www.mp2d.110mb.com/mp2d_30.zip
Itā€™s finally hereā€¦ The demo, up to the save room.

Iā€™ll tell more about it later, very tired nowā€¦

I donā€™t know what happened but when you get hit samusā€™ state freezes sometimes and you canā€™t move, also the last two rooms lag a bit and its pretty noticeable And i hacked your save file with relative ease.

I guess itā€™s time to bring out the olā€™ glitch list:

  • Saving everything youā€™ve already scanned while going to different rooms would be good, as well as similar scans only needing to be scanned once

  • The spin jump graphic doesnā€™t look natural. Itā€™s too obvious that itā€™s just rotating the sprite.

  • If you press and hold the scanning button to remove a scan message and then face a different scan point, you can scan it forever until you deactivate the glitch. The point does not become unscannable afterwards like in previous versions, however.

  • Hold up or down while running and jump, and the spin-jump sound will play for a split second

  • Charging should take longer so the sounds overlap well

  • Tractor beam doesnā€™t exist

  • I still seem to get trouble with my alt key at room transitions, but Iā€™m beginning to think itā€™s not the gameā€™s fault.

  • Red scan progress bars?

  • You canā€™t fire shots while spin-jumping

  • Multiple scanning sounds seem to play at once when scanning

  • The borders and progress bars of scan points are covered by doors, Samus, and many other things

  • There are two missing tiles beneath the third room that the scan visor light shows through

  • You canā€™t fire the first shot while moving (you can only fire when the armcannon is pointing forward)

  • The map station doesnā€™t turn off after downloading the map data

  • No map acquired fanfare?

  • Sometimes all weapons seem to temporarily stop doing damage (especially on the debris pile thatā€™s supposed to be destroyed with one charge shot)

  • At the morph ball slot beneath the last elevator, thereā€™s a scan that says it doesnā€™t work, even when it actually does

  • Bombs work while youā€™re inside said slot (lay one before entering)

  • No save station scan? Glow appears after you enter? No energy restoration?

  • Large door near end seems to be missing

  • The first room in the game should have no musicā€“the ambiance should begin in the second

  • Iā€™ve never figured out how it works, but in MP thereā€™s like a 50% chance that the ambiance will begin playing after the first morph ball slot near the end. But I think it will always play when you exit the save station.

  • Enemies need scans

  • The background music plays during the appearance fanfare

  • Switching to the scan visor while in morph ball makes the points appear for a frame. Scan points inside the area where the light would normally be are brighter. You canā€™t lay morph ball bombs during this frame.


    Hop onto the elevator when itā€™s down below. Jump, and as youā€™re jumping morph (down twice) then unmorph (up once) before reaching the ceiling. If successful, youā€™ll pop through the entire ceiling. If not, you may bounce off the ceiling or float through it but not enough to reach the top.

  • Room transitions to smaller rooms in widescreen mode are jerky at the end

  • Setting fullscreen on the opposite ratio youā€™re currently on leads to temporary glitches

  • Youā€™ll take damage from enemies in the room while dying.

That is all for now. If you read through, a lot of them are just missing features, not as many glitches as usual. Cool.

I somehow made Samusā€™ collision detection masks appear, not sure if this was supose to happen or notā€¦

F1 seems to be the debug mode toggle. (which shows her collision masks as a part of it)

OK the download link wont work for meā€¦I downloaded it but when i extracted it it said that are no files to extract

Okay, charge beam looks good.

But youā€™re still using those crappy BGs from years ago. :frowning:

Well, what does the decrypted save file say? Cā€™mon, show me you 1337 h4x0r skills.

Nice list Troid, lots and lots of things to fix this time :frowning:
How on earth did you find that seret world? You got to be really finger-quick to pull that off. I canā€™t do it, Iā€™m to slow >_>
Looks like I can fix that one easily by moving that invisible barrier a bit.

Yea f1 shows my debug mode, looks like i forgot to turn that off.

I think the backgrounds look great, in fact, the whole game looks great IMO.