Corrupt Engine (TGF)

some bad news, I guess… I’m thinking about completly canceling this
Traiing demo. Its taking up extream ammounts of my time and looks
like it’s going no where. PLus, nobody really even seems interested in it,
the whole thing just seems like a lost cause.

I don’t know, maybe I’ll keep working on it piece by piece, but I am
going to put more time into the new engine than into this demo.

I have some abd news… Training level will probably be canceled, and the
whole project may be in danger. It appears that maybe Daz was right. TGF
simply may not be able to handle my game. I try testing it out, and after
adding some more complex systems to the level, things start screwing up.
Objects are pasting tehmselves in the BG, collisions are not working for AI,
and the whole thing is just a big mess… Sadly, I might be forced to move on to a different program and keep the Project Dread series with TGF. Maybe I can
save enough money for TGF2, but until then I don’t know what to do. I
am thinking of trying to learn more Game Maker, even though it will take
about a year just to be able to build a Corruption engine like the one I have now.


while you are quitting it, i might recommend you change to a more powerful programming language (or faster anyways). you can at least decide what you would really like to do while learning it.

First post has some info as to what will happen with the project. Source Engine will be released, project will be remade from scratch, allowing for better graphics, controls, features, and overall gameplay. PM me if you would like the engine. It’s a bit sloppy at places, and it’s not commented yet.

Yay, a better way to understand TGF. Will this work for MMF?

EDIT: @Smartdude47

TGF isn’t a programming language. It’s a Drag && Drop interface program.

I’d recommend C. But then again, C has no Object Orientation Programming, and C++ does. Hard choice.

EDIT2: @Dragon

it won’t take you a year to make an engine in Game Maker. <_<; Game Maker is rather easy; and many of the code is all logical. “draw_sprite” draws sprite. and ETC.

The engine will work in both TGF and MMF, but there is a lot of
code (or events) in the engine that are just there to fix the annoying
bugs TGF has, so a bunch of stuff won’t be needed for MMF. The new
game will be made using MMF2, that way I’m still familiar with how
to program but it’s also much more powerful in TGF. Creating paralex
backgrounds and particles is much easier, and the program itself
doesn’t have those annoying bugs TGF has, making it
much easier and faster to build a good engine. Once the new engine
is complete enough to build a game off of it, this topic will be made
for the engine alone, and I’ll make a new one for the new Corruption.

The beauty of GML is that it is UNBELIEVABLY EASY. Get it now and you will get an engine done in a month max. I recommend you use Torque or Blitz Basic or even Dark Basic (google be yo’ friend) but others would differ.