Do You Like Need For Speed

Mario Kart > Everything

I dunno, the only “realistic” racer I can stand is Ridge Racer. It’s just fun as all fuck to me, but others bore me to tears. Go fig.

Beyond that? Wipeout and F-Zero kick the crap out of anything real.

Admittedly I’ve never played NFS; it just doesn’t interest me.

Hey, dont judge a game by its shitty storyline. NEVUR!! They’re fun games. Borrow them from a friend sometime, you might get a kick out of em’

Hot Pursuit < Most Wanted < Undercover

All the others sucked.

But those three are awesome win.

However, my opinion is skewed, considering the NFS games are the only racing games I have really played. Aside from five seconds of Project Gotham Racing 3 and ten seconds of Test Drive Unlimited.