Favorite Game Console

“I ate my homework”. That’d be an interesting one.

Reminds of a comic I saw in science. It shows a whiteboard reading “Genetic Engineering Class.” In the comic you see a student saying to the teacher, “My homework ate my dog.” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’d have to say the Nintendo DS. It’s just so innovative! I love the idea of a touch screen on a gaming device!

Is it just me, or does every poll involving favorite consoles leave out the SNES? <_<;;

Atleast put “other” in there…

:imp: :imp: :imp: I should have just put the word “current” there. Things like the SNES slip my mind, even though I have one.

For me I voted PC. It has so many uses, can use emulators to play games made for other systems(which makes it so that there is no real need for the systems, even though they are more fun), and do all kinds of other game-relevent tasks. Of course, the fact that P2D is on it adds…

EDIT: I just noticed. The pole says there is one vote for PC, although two people voted :confused:.

Emulators are illegal. Otherwise I would’ve voted PC too. There’s nothing like playing the game as it was made to be played though.

Roms are illegal if you don’t have the original cartridge. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with emulators though.

Emulators are legal. They’re just software, and can’t do anything without the actual games itself.

Roms are the games. They are copyrighted matereal. They are illegal unless you have the original cartridge.

That’s what I meant. :>_>: But Roms are still illegal with a cartridge. It specifically says that it is unlawful and illegal to have any back-up copies.

See ive heard that as long as you delete the rom within 24 hours of downloading it youre okay. :confused:

Nope. Still illegal unless you own the cart.

:imp: :imp: :imp: GRRRR! Roms are illegal even with carts! In the copyright sections of the instruction manuals, it says that it is unlawful to own a back-up copy! :imp: :imp: :imp:

game cube is of course the best

I have a friend who works in the copyright offices and that’s what she told me.

I don`t download roms because of those goddarn sick sites that you get them from like www.freeroms.com Sick! :imp:

i downloaded metroid fusion but i already have metroid fusion on my gba but its not so fun to play it on the PC its funnier to play it on the gba


Then the instruction manuals are lying to me??? :confused: