
What solid ground to build a relationship on.
ib4tower of pisa

Status report: It’s going well.

“This kid’s giving me a free Photoshop and claims he’s paying for all of it… I wonder what else I can squeeze out of him before moving onto bigger wealthier prey”

Something like that. Cept she made sure I wasn’t actually paying for it.
But now she isn’t talking to me hardly at all.

does an I-told-you-so dance

Would that happen to look anything like this?:

Because I can’t picture you dancing any other way.


Heh <.< I’m twenty and I’ve never been on a date or even asked a girl out>.>

So you have me beat kid, However I’ve had the same Sweet heart since I was 12

That’s like me in 4 years!

Assuming nothing happens between us in that time. Which it won’t.

Zurg just go for it.

Girls like confident men, so that’s a plus,
And If you’re already friends with her then she must see some good in you already
So tell her how you feel, ask her out!
But if she says no, what can I say? kid that’s life
If you truly are “In love” with this person, I mean yeah it’s GREAT to have your feelings returned, but I think it’s even nicer to see the person you like be happy, always smiling.

Nice bump.
I may have messed up though, another kid seems to have snuggled up with her…>.<
Besides, I can’t go for it now, I can’t afford to take her out until next month…:frowning:

Edit: Oh yeah, defiantly not ignoring me. when I got to band and she saw me she went: TTTIIIIIIIIMMM!!!..


Just ask her out next mounth then. Trust me i am only 17 and have had 7 fit girls just ask go for the gold while u can take it.

all I can say about relationships is…be prepared for pain. It WILL happen.


Zurg, do you think she goes all the way? Well, ask her out already and find out. Waiting never seems to do anybody any good, because they usually seem to get taken by some other random guy and you’ll have to sit through it and suffer. But on the other side… You can take a gamble, let her date a complete asshole, then she’ll realise that you are the better choice, the right man, the one that was always there for her. Trust me, kid, it can actually work.

Well…he is a complete jerk…
But I don’t want her to go through dealing with him…
And no, I don’t think she goes all the way. If you mean what I think you do.

Unfortunately, agreed…

I second that…although my opinion on relationships may change sometime soon…I hope…

Lolz, I have had 13 GF till now… (and yes… I am counting the ones in kindergarden too >_>)
so that makes…2 persons I really really liked.

anyhow, I just want this of my chest… again. cuz it itches xD

A year and a half ago I got to know a certain girl via internet.
I never really saw her, but knowing her personality I liked her.
Half year passed by, and we got to meet each other!
So I walked around with some friends at the pub, when someone literally yelled at me: Hey! Moree!
I turned around, (there she was) and I was totally stunned. I couldn’t get any words out of my mouth at the moment xD
Anyhow, I noticed she already had a BF at that time…
So we became some closer friends and stuff, and another half year passed by.
We didn’t talk too each other very much, cuz I was really busy with school >_>

I was making a little movie with my friends, and we were just walking back to school, when I heard once again: HEY, Moree! (Lol it rhymes)
It gave me goosebumps xD
anyway, I noticed she was on the same school as me, and that she wanted to do the same educations.

Few months passed by, and My best friend asked me if I liked somebody on school… So I told him I liked this girl. And he responded with: “Hey, I know that girl! I challenged her with super smash melee xD”
So I asked him, what do you think of her?
well… she’s OK… little funny, kinda pretty… but nothing special I guess.
And he continued with telling me that she was single!
(Don’t know how he knew that, but at that time I was kinda really really happy xD)
As shy as I am, I did make some steps! We go to the movies, eat Chinese food (she likes that a lot xD)… And my friends were there too… I’ve got nothing against my friends, but at some times I didn’t really like that…
Any how, (let’s speed things up a bit.)

My best friend is now her new BF.
I swear! I could have eaten my own arm!.. but I didn’t, I’m kinda attached to it…

And how things are now?

Me is girl friendless, hes happy, shes happy… So I’m kinda happy too.
It’s been a half year now, And that stupid jealous feeling won’t stop >_>
Maybe because I have a really good imagination, and they tell me stuff that I don’t want to hear about them <_>

But anyway, I have found 2 solutions for myself:
1: Cheat on my best friend, and go to hell.
2: try to find another girl (now let’s hope it won’t take me another year)

So I’ll go with option 2.

He’s still my best friend, and I promised him to help him in his relation because he never ever had a GF.

Anybody asleep yet?

anyhow, there arriving within this hour, were going to the beach xD
see yall later!

O, and Zurginator?
Good luck dude! I have my fingers crossed for you.

Those situations suck dearly. I’m the type of guy who simply can’t be happy for others if I feel like a load of jealous s*** myself… So yeah, it does indeed suck.

As for me, the example I gave Zurg actually happened to me. Girl was supposedly with this kid named “Danny”, and at the time I’m still in my extended WTF Moment, trying to make sense of it all. now a few weeks later, she called me and we talked for a while. We’ve been keeping on good contact since then, getting to know each other better, so I’d say we’ve “leveled up” in friendship status. At the beginning I knew she was supposed to be with this guy, and though it pained me to ask, I’d try and talk to her about it. Long story short, she ‘broke up’ with him and asked me out the next day. And that’s me today.

Still kind of a shame, as we aren’t really “dating” because we’ve never actually been out before. According to her, the parents don’t want her to do a lot of things, so meeting with her can be difficult. Still, plan on going out and seeing her this month, but even so I don’t think we’ll be alone.

Agh… stupid fucking face… frying… my brain… >_<!!!

Edit: Agh, fine, I guess I should give my post substance.
Thankfully, that’s never happened to me, and my currently one and only girlfriend happened to actually like me first, which is always really effing awesome.