Halo Reach

I like controllers better myself. I’m not a fan of mouse/keyboard. Never was. So for me, Halo is better on the xbox. Also a lot easier for most people to get.

That’s all well and good, but it’s still less accurate and still not as easy to LAN =p

You would be surprised what some people say. Ever heard the ‘Computers can’t run 1080p’ one?

Speaking of visuals, however, Reach actually looks pretty good for a console game. I think only Uncharted 2 beats it, if simply for Ambient Occlusion.

Where both really let down is in distant items, where the 256 usable RAM/VRAM start hitting hard.

I have. I’ve also heard that consoles > PCs in graphics, even though my less-than-top-end computer can run maxed DMC4 at the same resolution with enhanced graphics only available on the PC version ^^

Only if you can’t aim… :unamused:


Have you guys seen the new vidoc about force? It looks rediculous!!!

wrong Zurg, the 360 has 512mb shared, the 256 video and 256 main is the PS3, thus the 360 has much greater flexibility

also Uncharted 2 really doesn’t look as good as people say it does, the 360 version of Metro 2033 looks better and so does Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 just gets a free ride being a TPS thus making the textures harder to scrutinize. Also its quite linear, the ‘big open environments’ are only accessible in parts when the games says you can go there, its really less impressive than people say it is.

also the 1080p thing comes from the fact that most graphics cards can’t do it while pumping out high graphics settings, also insecurity. Though I’ve noticed on the GT community especially that ignorance about the PC comes more from the PS3 crowd than the 360 one.

Eh. Most $150+ cards can pump 1080p with decent graphics these days, really.

Despite how good that sounds, it doesn’t actually mater worth a flip.

If you want long draw distances, you need VRAM and RAM.
If you want high-res models or textures, you need VRAM and RAM.

So it’s actually pretty much entirely pointless.

Additionally, ‘open environments’ and ‘open games’ are completely different. Uncharted has very open environments, but it’s a corridor game. Killzone 2 has corridor environments, and is a corridor game.

Metro 2033 looks good for the same reason as Killzone: it’s a corridor shooter with a very limited palette. Do have to say the PC version looks awesome though. It’s the second coming of Crysis, before Crysis 2.

Just to give you an idea of how good M2033 is on PC, check out these actual manufacturer specs:

Yes, you read that right. Metro 2033 has an 8800 as the minimum. That’s the recommended for Crysis. In fact, all of Metro 2033s minimums are Crysis’ recommended.

Wanna know why? Blue = Bioshock 2 texture, Grey = Crysis texture, Black = Metro 2033 texture. http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg303/z…r/Texture-1.png

I just preordered the game. Problem is the store’s in the mall… I’m worried they might not have a midnight launch. I’d be pissed.

actually zurg what you’re forgetting to take into account with the ram vram thing is that the 360 is a console and thus all the specs on every 360 are the same so the ram can be programed to be used as vram by the game and programed to work specifically with that hardware configuration. Thus allowing for a 256, 256 configuration, or if the dev feels that something different would work they could program the game to use it like that. Granted I doubt that’s news to you I just wanted to make sure

And on the subject of the open environments in Uncharted, odds are that areas inaccessible are just pre-baked and not actually being rendered in real time like the accessible ones. There’s a reason for the mandatory install and the minute long load time when both booting the game and loading, a save.

Actually the 360 is better at open environments than the PS3, because of the hardware flexibility (see: Fallout 3, GTA4, RD:R, and how InFamous looks worse than the 360 versions of those games)

Also the textures look like shit by comparison to something like Red Dead Redemption, which is open world, and has a better draw distance as well.

You guys should see the draw distances on Forge World. :smiley:

You should see the draw distances on Crysis. :wink:

The main issue with cross-platform games isn’t the system, it’s the engine.
Most engines are built like PC engines, which obviously favor the 360. However when you look at first party games, with engines specifically tailored for the PS3, there is a big difference.

That stops being relevant when the 360 versions of GTA4 and RD:R look better than InFamous, a PS3 exclusive.

On the subject of draw distance, and Halo: Reach, based on the E3 2010 trailer, that game’s draw distance is pretty good.

Have you seen forge world? It’s the new forge specific map. It’s freakin huge. (that’s what your mother said last night!! WHat do you think of that, Trebeck?)

Anyway, here is the video for forge world.

Then I’ll just argue that Uncharted 2 looks better than Halo 3.

You can’t make select arguments. :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes, that’s got some nice draw distances, MM. LODs are everything though.

Reach’s LODs are decent

also on the subject of the new forge: best console map editor ever? I think so, that is just so freaking cool.

Yes, but there was a silly person over on another forum trying to compare it to SC2’s editor.
It made me laugh, because the stupid word filter doesn’t like it when I do things like lol =D

Yeah I’m super excited about it.

AFAIK, it’s one of 2. FC2 and Forge. So yeah, not hard to win that one, considering the console FC2 editor is likely a watered down version of the PC editor, which completely sucks. :stuck_out_tongue:

How does forge handle too much being drawn? Do they cap it at a level that if everyone spawns everything it only reaches a certain point?

Do more complex objects use more of a resource meter or something?

I think the idea is that the forge budget is designed around both game balance and the engine not dying, I mean the game has been in development for 3 years so perhaps the engine does things like what you’re suggesting, Me and Mag (the two resident Halo fanboys) probably aren’t the best people to be asking about that seeing as what I know about their engine is somewhere between bugger and all.

But who knows, perhaps reach is running on something akin to the cryengine or something and is designed not to collapse under any load that the players put it under…perhaps thats why they’ve still got it capped at 16 players.