BUT I’m not using PCIe, so it shouldn’t matter.


Pomegranate, I think you’re getting the wrong 120 mm fans then =P Mine aren’t that loud at all. I’ll try to find the ones I bought…

well i got mine on the cheap end they were only ~$7.50

And if you have them unplugged, they obviously weren’t worth that 7.50 =P
I got mine maybe $10-$15, blue LEDs and stuff, pretty nice, considering they don’t make much noise.

edit: Tiger direct doesn’t have the exact one I ordered, I guess.
Best ones that were still relatively inexpensive: 1, 2, 3

So I had decided on buying a 9800 GT2…and now I can’t find them anywhere. WTF?

new generation? the 200s are out now

Yeah, but the 9800 GT2 was killing the 280 in performance.

And the regular 9800s are still available, along with every card before that.

IT’S ALIVE!!! :smiley:
In other words, my computer is up and running, and so fast I’m freaking out.

Ok, I’m running XP SP3…how the hell do I delete the recycle bin? I tried changing the registry, but it doesn’t work.

Why the hell would one want to delete the trash can?

Right click - disable desktop items.

Because desktop items are ugly, and a keyboard launcher does the job so. much. better.

Thank you so freaking much. It was driving me crazy.

…<_< Py, you do not want to see my desktop…

oh yes I do :slight_smile:

oh yes I do :slight_smile:

Why do you even use the desktop?
I start all my software from the console.

I think I have an old screenshot somewhere.

YES! After searching for almost thirty minutes.
It would have been easier to just take a new screenshot and upload it. Crap.

That’s from my old iBook but it looks the same on all my computers.

yeah, a keyboard launcher is just like a less powerful console you can activate with a key combo :slight_smile:

but yeah, I hate icons :frowning:

icons make the world go 'round

PY asked for it.
…I would argue that the desktop is hella useful for shortcuts and quick access to folders, but I have both in my shortcuts bar, and have now let my desktop go to hell <_<
A quick glance told me that I could immediately delete 90% of that crap. Old shortcuts, broken shortcuts, old useless RARs, my brother’s folder?, etc, etc, etc.
I mean, it’s even under the sidebar now… ick…

goes to clean desktop