Metroid: Fall Of Zebes

or that, if you hate installing useful software :frowning:

No updates really, but soon hopefully. I’ve been busy with real life stuff. Oh yeah, ask away at any questions about M:FoZ.

(sorry Double Post :stuck_out_tongue:)
I’m trying to make sprites for the status screen, looks good so far :smiley:
But I need font sprites, just computery or something, plus the box things each item is displayed in, if somebody’s got something, it would be appreciated.


Jolly good then old chap. Lets have a cup of tea and play some cricket you bloody wanker.
british sounds homosexual and that is the truth.

We need to drop that damn subject :sweat:
That discussion is over, your argument is poisoning my topic with more BS

tip tip, cheerio, tea, crumpets, save the queen, and all that

slaps CM in the face YOUR NOT HELPING!!!

sorry, i had to
play COD4, theres alot of brits

slaps again

You forgot guv’nor. =P

EDIT: The game looks good. At first I was skeptical, but now I want to play it. Can’t wait.

On another note, typing with your pinky and ring finger taped together with athletic tape is fun. Cutting them open with a kitchen knife isn’t, however. But yeah, tape your pinky and ring finger together, and let the good times roll. (I’m not kidding, it’s kinda fun)

your mind will be blown when you see how evolution and Fall of Zebes connect

amusing aaaaand enjoyable xD

just like taping your fingers together, yes i did

The suits in some of the screenshots are really interesting, I must say. :smiley:

Thankies ^^ Heres the samus sprites for the status screen so far. Yes, I made them myself, and I JPG’d them cuz I don’t want ANYBODY IN THE WORLD using them, yet. PM me if you for some reason need them, to help with them or something. Cuz the legs on the non-power suits look too small.

EDIT Just realized I must fixed some coloring, a little off

I could fix the colors for you if you want.

Naw LM I gotz it I think, but thanks :smiley:

rundas is quite capable =D

he rocks

epic stuff comes from him <_<

Thanks CM :slight_smile:

i only speaka the truth
(insert mario here)