Metroid Fusion Sequel!!

I doubt that BSL was the only place the GF had metroids, or at least their genetic information (Check space pirate bay, it’s probably on there)

that’s the “they will find a way” thing i said…

metroid fusion cleary states in the begining that they only had metroid in BSl, but who are us, mere fans to say something…

Metroid fusion clearly states nothing of the sort.
It hints at it, but this is the GF we’re talking about.

humm, need to play metroid fusion again, wait… damn i don’t have time anymore -_-

anyway, about the GF thing, i think you have a point…

Um, of course it’ll have a Metroid.

Am I the only on who remembers Fusion?

In a piece of ancient Chozo literature, and interesting reference to Metroids was found. It seems that the word Metroid in the Chozo language can be roughly translated as ?ultimate warrior.? With the introduction of Metroid DNA to her system, the reborn Samus Aran is perhaps the most appropriate successor to this title of ultimate warrior.

Sorry Daz. I deleted my post. It felt like I trolling, so i figured it would be best if I deleted it.

To everyone confused by Daz’s post, I said that just because it’s a Metroid Title, it doesn’t mean it has to have metroids in it. I say that because the Metroid series follows Samus, if a game includes Samus, but not metroids, it could potentially be called a Metroid game.

Oh, okay. Whoah, I thought I was going insane there. XD There was a post, and then poof, there wasn’t. :astonished:

Anyway, the point stands–symbolically, genetically, and etymologically, any post-Fusion game including Samus features a metroid.

Of course. I completely agree with you. I meant that it doesn’t necessarily have to include metroids. Of course, a metroid game without metroids would feel very, very, empty. Heck, Fusion pushed it to the limit, in my opinion. But yes, you are correct in every way possible. The sequel to fusion should, if not would, include metroids. But in my opinion, anything after that is fair game.

Edit: Sorry, hands are freezing. Don’t be surprised if there’s a lot of typos in there. I’ve already edited out a few.

Don’t you love it when that happens? I never realized how much cold hands affected typing until… well… until I actually learned how to type correctly in the middle of winter.

…I seem to remember a Metroid game that didn’t have metroids in it… or was that just Hunters? (not counting first hunt, because that actually had metroids. Speaking of which, why the frick didn’t they include some of the stuff from First Hunt in Hunters? Would’ve made me happy…)

But I agree… any sequel to fusion will have metroids. Or a metroid. One of the two.
And the space pirates aren’t just completely gone, right? They have the habit of toting around metroids. They had them in Super Metroid, and I vaguely remember something in the guide showing a picture and pointing out a small purple blip fly away from the planet, saying it was a space pirate ship. And who’s to say they didn’t snag a couple and leave beforehand?
(And no, not the same as the eticoons and… the bird thing. Those were an entirely different blip. But don’t quote me on this, this information is stuff that’s been in my head for about five years without looking the guide over again.)

…huh, I just kinda realized that there’s nothing between Super Metroid and Fusion. Couldn’t that be opened up for something…?

Any chance you could scan that page in for us?

The reason I haven’t looked it over in so long is because I lost it a long time ago <_<

yes samus is the ultimate warrior

she kicks major butt in the most impsible situations

And yet you’re going to hunt her to the end of the universe?