Metroid Revelations

Well then I’ll mute you. :unamused:



Phlakes’ Solution:

Phlakes is putting himself in time-out. When he gets back, he will give everyone a hug and we can all be friends and bake cookies and watch cartoons.

I still don’t like the new g- wait, I have to control myself…

Enters lurk mode

And I don’t count. I’m here for literary criticism and coolness. Grammar police task forces already contribute enough. (Note slight internet sarcasm)

<3 you squishy

How exactly does anyone else here contribute more than that? Half of the posts on this forum for the last year or so have been nothing more than quotes for truth and loling.

i dare you to add them up and prove yourself wrong

I dare YOU to find a single worthwhile post made within the last year.

Mine don’t count. >_>

oh look, theres one


BONUS, its from this month

How about one not from a mod?

Yeah, that kind of goes without saying.

ok, how about the UDK suggestion?

That is a terrible suggestion which goes completely against the original point of p2d… :stuck_out_tongue:

you realize you can use the engine with 2D graphics, too

That doesn’t change the fact that p2d’s biggest selling point was that everything was made from scratch.

Anyway, I’m obviously exaggerating for effect, but you still can’t deny how far this forum has fallen over the past few years in terms of post quality. Back in the day, there used to be actual topics where people seriously discussed the topic which was brought up, and didn’t derail it with quote tunnels or random chat like we’ve done here. And when there are topics, you know something is wrong when the most interesting of them is something like “pancakes or waffles”.

of course the overall post quality has gone down, but when the entire project has come to a screeching halt, its kind of amazing to have ANY posts

I’d like to point out that the “pancakes and waffles” one was made by a new guy.

Edit: Which means you just called the new guy’s post the most interesting topic.

Pancakes and Waffles are not only productive energy for a hard day’s manual labor as a lumberjack, but are also productive energy even when purely discussed.
Clearly it makes sense as to why that was an interesting topic.

Oh, and refer to topic called “Reviving P2D”. Not to burst your bubble or anything, but this project is deader than a Dickens doornail reference.

Doesn’t mean the community has to be…

Jumping out of time-out at last second

We should stop arguing.

Pulled back by a couple dozen silhouettes of hands