Metroid Shadows

Wow, that’s nice.

Can’t wait to see it finished.

Could you just get it un-JPEGed?

Oh wait, if you haven’t done the legs yet than I have a good idea where I can just use what you have now.

i swear jpegs are going to kill us all one day

Ohhhhhhhhh, you mean GOLEM.

I was like “that doesn’t look like Sm?agol”.

Exactly what I was thinking when I saw it, but I figured it out.

wow, i didnt even notice xDDD

Moorganen(More-gan[as in “ran”]-in)

(First, sorry about the double-post…)

One more thing, a music score of some remixed music and some original stuff would be nice, if anyone wants to try it.

HOLY SH–, TRIPLE POST ("Edit button isn’t showing up, just a white dashed outline)

Moar Tiles

Ooh, those look pretty nice :stuck_out_tongue:. I’m curious as to what some of those powerups are.

Top ones are missile, bomb, power bomb, and super missile, and the bottom ones are the beams.

Some of the crust map + Key.

And an extremely stylized background-

Better with/without fog?

Hehe, neat! Pretty exciting. I do not, however, agree with the diagonal lines :stuck_out_tongue:. 2D Metroid maps never used such blasphemy, heheh.

Yeah they have…

I wuz about to say, ever played super metroid? >_>

Yeah, that first slanted room in Crateria was annoying with those green things that throw bugs at you.

My apologies :. Yes, I’ve played all the way through SM, collected all extras, and exploited the “Space/Time Beam” glitch x). It’s been a while though, and I didn’t recall ever having seen diagonal passageways on maps. You gotta admit, they are rare, however :stuck_out_tongue:.

Yeah, but it was nice to have a change in scenery.

Beam directions are almost done.

And the Frozen Metroid-

Still waiting for Zurg’s golem thing

Sorry. It’ll be done whenever I can get my computer running.

Graphics look good though I don’t care for the custom tiles. Just use the ripped ones from fusion / MZM.

Yeah, I was thinking that once I got into them. It would be a lot easier.