Need Moar Help

Okay, I’m on my computer now and it seems to be working but:

-Usually when I click on a search link it goes to a random page, usually advertisements
-Whenever I try to run a program it opens the “Choose the program you would like to open this file with” window
-When I try to run antivirus software it says "Setup cannot create the directory ‘C:\Documents and Settings\NICK(random characters)’
-When I try to run anything in the Control Panel or open the Properties of my desktop it says-


Application not found"

-When I try to open the Task Manager it says “Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator”
-And a while ago 6 shortcuts appeared on my desktop. 3 were porn, 2 were called spam, and one had “trojan” in its name

Any suggestions?

format your HDD

yeah, you need to reinstall windows and then your life will be good, that is assuming the asshat who took over your PC remotely will allow that >_>

Not much they can do if you unhook the internet and reformat via bootdisk <____<;

Also, yes. You can take 1-3 hours reinstalling your OS. Or you can take a month trying to fix it, and just when you finally think everything’s back to normal, HEY, guess what? You missed a damn trojan and now you get to START OVER AGAIN =D

So no. Yeah. Reinstall.

Hours!? It takes me like 15 minutes lol.

well not everyone has a high end DVD drive and HDD >_>

an @cloud…you make a convincing point about the disconnecting

I DON’T have a high-end HDD.

I have a high-end SSD. :wink:


that’s not my point, though I just spent 1.5 hours installing Windows 7 over XP so whatever.

theres a reason you dont get laid

He doesn’t need to, have you SEEN women on his monitor?

Har har.

Takes 35 minutes to install Windows XP on a cruddy old hard drive with a cruddy old CD drive.

There’s no reason to reformat your hard drive, if there’s anything you want to keep. Just reinstall the OS, and don’t open programs that were left on there until you reinstall them. Viruses can’t magically open themselves out of the blue, so a fresh OS reinstall is fine by itself.

SSDs are still in the HDD category. They’re hard and they’re drives, and while they don’t have a disk anymore, the D in SSD still stands for disk (to a lot of people, anyway). :stuck_out_tongue:

HDD = Hard Disk Drive

SSD = Solid State Drive

It’s not a Disk Drive because there is no Disk. Both are in entirely separate categories.

For example, Newegg has the Internal/External Drive section for HDDs, and an entirely separate SSD section.

once again

theres a reason you dont get laid

Not really, girls don’t know this side of me. :stuck_out_tongue:

<<<Computer science major.
<<<Could’ve made all those corrections if I wasn’t off job-ing.
<<<Gets laid.

Also, Zurg, I didn’t mean 1-3 hours for the OS reinstall. I meant OS + drivers + installing necessary programs + configuring my dock + bitch slapping my hard drives because every time I reinstall they shuffle letters around and all my shortcuts break.

…+backing up my steamapps folder because it’s fucking huge. And by “backing up” I mean “instantaneously moving it to another directory so it doesn’t get deleted when I reinstall steam.”

Edit: Then again, I almost play as many instruments as I play games and I’m also a fairly artsy fellow, which is something a fair number of girls can relate to, I guess…

I’m the same there too. :stuck_out_tongue:

<< ART major.

you got one thing goin he doesnt

youre not him!


<<< programming major
<<< could do whatever he wants with anything
<<< gets more pussy then an animal shelter lolwut

<<< not zurg

<<<Not in college.
<<<Knows ~nothing about this stuff.
<<<A virgin.



Chicks dig dudes who can fix their s%&*y computers.