Now WTF should i get ???

I was making the point that your argument is incorrect, basicly.


well that was a fairly roundabout way of doing it that’s sure as shit

If I remember correctly, it was powered through the USB cord, not the power supply. And none of my friends are idiots when it comes to cooling, I saw both of their setups and it was very well ventilated. One of them is crazy paranoid, he didn’t have anything even relatively close to any vents… He actually raised the XBox off the ground to expose the vents on bottom =/ So no, it’s not because they were being idiots about cooling.

I know, in order to get a newer dual core processor, I would most likely need to buy a new motherboard and new ram as well (I got my motherboard towards the end of the ddr1 phase =/ )… But that’s not a whole new system. That doesn’t include the graphics card, power supply, case, and hard drive, which is a large chunk of cash. I’d need about $200 to do that (versus about 500 for a half decent new system), but I shell that 200 out, and suddenly my computer is up-to-date, and it will last me another 3-5 years… assuming I get a new hard drive soon <_<;;
And when it starts going out of date again, I can just upgrade the outdated parts. (at that time, it will probably be the graphics card, 256 mb isn’t gonna cut it much longer) With a console, I WOULD have to buy a whole new system. Considering the price trends, most of the systems for the generation after this will start off $300+, and if all I need at that time is a new graphics card (we’ll see when we get there, I guess), then it will cost me about… maybe $200, if I’m feeling particularly spendy. $150 is more likely for me.
…Which is another thing. A computer is highly modular and customizable, so I pay for what I want. If I don’t need to play every game at highest settings, I won’t get the most expensive graphics card. But with a console, you don’t get to pick and choose, and you end up paying for whatever they shove in there, not what you’d rather have. (I refuse to consider hard drive size a major customization.) This includes controller/mouse/keyboard choice, which is highly limited on a console. All in all, a console is “You will play this game with only the content we decide you might want, using only this general controller type, with these general settings and this hardware. Here, have fun with brightness and joystick sensitivity, because that’s about all the options you’ll see.”
Y’know, as opposed to “Here, have this game, add some mods if you want, use whatever controller or mouse or keyboard you want with whatever settings you want (even if the game doesn’t come with the option to use a controller or whatever, look up a key binder like Joy2Key), and use whatever hardware you feel like, as long as it meets the requirements. Oh, and don’t forget to optimize the graphics levels for the hardware you’ve installed.”
…I’m gonna stop ranting, I totally lost my train of thought >_<

@Tim: The bear is awesome =3

if it plugs into the 360 through USB it uses the 360 power supply simple as that.

I suppose I’ll concede you the points you made but console gaming’s biggest draws for me are the plethora of genres that you rarely see on PC and since I’m no RTS buff i simply don’t care about most of the games PC gamers hold so high and mighty, and convenience, all I need to do is go out, buy the game, insert the disk, perhaps perform and update and start playing. Never have I had a problem with using a controller and my 47 inch TV is much better than my 5 year old monitor, that again I’m not upgrading without reason, at least with the TV I get HD hockey and my games in HD

You could always use the HDMI port on you Mobo to run on an HDTV. >_>

Heh, I agree with Zerg =P

I fix the genre problem by getting a controller =3 $25 for an alright one, although I don’t understand why the hell Logitech chose SQUARE slots for the analog sticks to move around in >=[ Anyway, suddenly platformers, flyers, RPGs, etc., become very accessible to me. (Such as Devil May Cry 4 >=D kickass game, it’s pretty much in my top ten purchases)
Still a bit of a problem, though. I obviously can’t play some of the exclusives without an emulator, and that’s well after the games come out, usually.

yes but to get the same 1080p image with the high res textures using a PC WOULD cost lots of cash.

aren’t broken keys fun? like this O key on this keyboard.

Also you don’t have XBLA on PC

No, My motherboard has a better GPU than the 360, and it was only $60.
And I’m getting a GTX 260 core 216 for $250 which is aproximately 4 times as good as the 360’s GPU.


i got mine today… he’s quite lovable.

No it wouldn’t, 360-standard GPUs are given away in cereal boxes (almost)

Aren’t broken controllers fun? No, because you can’t get a new one for a fiver.

XBLA is what? Charging for old games, and indie games? Thanks, but that’s what emulation and real indie games are for.

Pointing out that he is saying the built-in GPU on his motherboard which was only $60, not a GPU itself that was $60 <_<
(I’m pointing it out 'cuz I missed it the first time)

You forget the processor, It is 3 cores at 3.2 GHz, try getting that for a PC, because of that it can render higher quality models, besides, spec wise the 360s GPU matches up with the Nvidia 8800GT which costs a good $200

$200 really isn’t that much. Go get a job down at the local supermarket for 2 weeks (part-time). Bam, you’ve got $250, probably a bit more if the manager isn’t a total ass and is willing to bump your pay a couple cents above minimum wage. (I live in Washington, btw. Highest Minimum wage FTW)

EDIT: You know, I have to doubt that a Nvidia 8800GT costs $200. However, the last card I bought was an ATI Radeon 300 (I think) at a local computer store, and that only cost me about $75, and that was about 3-4 years ago.


well it was $200 a year ago when I got my 360 >_>

and then the processor of 1337

and the great back catalog…I don’t regret my choice in the slightest

Yeah, PC components get cheaper. I’ve already said that.

“You forget the processor, It is 3 cores at 3.2 GHz, try getting that for a PC, because of that it can render higher quality models”

The GPU does the rendering, that’s why it’s called a GRAPHICS processing unit.

Also, Crysis can run on very high with a 2.6GHz dual-core, so I think the phrase here is: “Why bother?”

Unless your getting 2 8800GT’s in Sli, I’d recommend the 9800GTX+ or the HD 4850.

Yes but technically the 360s CPU can do ray-tracing at 20fps and still have enough power left over tho render better models than the Wii can and have good physics with good A.I.

and last time I checked the CPU handles rendering for the polygons and the GPU handles textures

and another thing, the 8800GT benchmarks approximately the same as the 9800GT would if it existed

“better models than the Wii can”

while ray-tracing something, which the most powerful Intel processors take 6 minutes to render one ray-traced frame

edit: this is getting us nowhere while you only take in like 1 8th of my post