Pomegranate's "Arts"

your right they arent finished. they don’t have a running animation or a jumping one(thats if there will be a jumping animation).

Yeah I want to make jumping, running, crouching and few other little suprises…coughjetpackcough <_<;

the jp will be cool cant wait until they’re done!

Ya me to…

Uh, no offense or anything, but you made it look worse now. I think those troopers are from Metroid Prime 2, not Paper Mario :sweat:

Maybe you should just let MZ finish them :wink:

lawl. good idea (seeing how im still a noob at spriteing)

Off Topic : Is anyone ever going to delete my warn? its been on there for like 2 months.

my warning is still at 2 and it’s been there for like 2 months

back on topic. so is MZ letting you use hose sprites?

i asked him on this forum… so y dont you know yet… >_>? he is letting me use his GF sprites when he gets them done.

i must have skipped that post lol.

I hate it when admins forget to take warnings off lol.><

i made an example for war of the worlds, and i decided to maybe make a spritesheet out of it. here it is

dont mind the semi-cartoonyness of it, i intended it to be that way.

First ever sprite done entirely in paint =p

update with the samus.

looks good to me. but i guess i seen better. but its pretty ood for a noobs like us lmao.

lol. ive gotten done with the two side angle ones.

Her legs aren’t right…

As you know from geometry, the hypotenuse is longer than the leg of the triangle. Her one leg is perpendicular to the ground, and the other is straight, going to the ground at a bit of an angle. This makes the non-perdendicular leg look and be longer than the other leg. Even if geometry didn’t apply, I’d still recommend changing that, since no one can possibly stand like that :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than that, I’d recommend simply: adding more shading, and changing the visor a bit, so it looks like she’s looking forward, not up.

PS I’m only talking about the side view here.

Her perpendicular leg is outward as well Tim, as well as bent. =P

ok i just realized that samus has 4 colors (red, ORANGE, green, yellow), not 3! (red, green, yellow)

so i made most of her body plates (exept her chest) orange. hope u like =p

PS : i havent done anything else to it so dont go saying “hey you didnt change the leg” and what not.


you should have been able to tell that by the shading.

this better for her visor?

In that case, it looks like she’s pooping or something.

That’s not a normal pose >_>

look at the zero mission sprite, timaster, it has basically the same leg setup as mine. they wouldn’t have used it for a game if it looked like she was pooping >_>… unless of course they wanted to make a samus on a toilet sprite.


made missles and beams and missle poses.

everyone likes MZ’s backround trick

Key word: basically.

The key difference is that in one case, it’s physically not possible for her to stand that way (yours) and in the other case, it is (ZM’s)

Look at the sprite again. Both feet are facing at least a bit forward, and her center of gravity is supported by her two feet.

Physics: the center of gravity has to be in-between her two feet. In your case, the center of gravity forms a right triangle in relation to her feet.

Overhead view:
o .

. = foot
o = body/center of gravity