The Trilogy!!!

I wasn’t. So it’s just Widescreen support?

Pretty useless to me, but I can see the reason for it (I don’t have any widescreen TVs in my home lol). Good Work, Nintendo.

Somone just sent me a message saying “Get off the forums all you do is talk about other crap and you act like a little kid, If you post again you will get Banned becuase ill get an admin to do it so just leave”
So see you all later

who was it?

I’m so fucking buying this!

Bubba who was it I’ll fuck em up.
Bubbace, The Goat, and I are all friends irl so better back off. Sure he’s new and hasn’t got the hang of a forum yet but that doesn’t mean ban him.

Anyway I hope they do SOMETHING to change MP3 to make it better. I don’t wanna get a new MP3 where they replace ‘damn’ with ‘no’ for nothing.

and imma see rundas IRL in august xD
turns out the wedding im going to is in his state! xD

Did they really do that? Wow…that was, like, my favorite part of MP3 simply because he swore. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, Bubbace, don’t leave, man. Whoever said that was talking out of their ass. Even if they called an admin to ban you, they’d probably just get laughed at (or banned themselves) for trying to ban somebody who has done absolutely nothing wrong.

No I don’t think they did, besides if they did then that would mess up the pirates attack and all other thing would have to get program. Well anyway I have already full paid for this(Metroid Prime Trilogy) just have to pick it up on release date.

I think the ones that they mainly work on is MP and Prime Echoes. To get them up and going so.

I know they did that in later versions though.

That’s pretty stupid.

Anyway, I haven’t reserved my copy, but I might end up doing that soon.

Indeed, they should use the first version of MP3:C for Trilogy. I hope without damn taken out.

Well, it’s just a stupid thing to do. You know who plays Metroid games? Teenagers and up, and I can gurantee they’ve all heard the word “Fuck” more than a couple times in their life. I’m pretty sure we can all handle “Damn” coming out of a guys mouth at an appropriate time to be swearing. Now, if that guy was saying Damn every other word, then I would begin to worry, but having it once isn’t going to offend anybody other than the oblivious parent who bought MP3:C for their 9-year old, even though it obviously has the T rating.

I could go on about how parents need to pay more attention to what their children play, but that’s another rant for another time.

In short, I agree with you, WotW. I hope it’s in the version the Trilogy recieves.

if its not heads are gunna roll



1st thing to do: Get AIM. 2nd thing: Get Xfire. 3rd thing: Crysis benchmark.

I can’t find the Corruption topic ,but I hate this about what he put about MP3:C.

While I agree with him on Hypermode breaking the game, that guy is still a tool.

I’d say that for the most part I agree with him even if he exaggerates a few issues, but maybe that’s something I shouldn’t say here, so I won’t. <_<

I hope they let you use the music from each game that you can buy with credits (when it’s unlocked) in multiplayer since there was a similar function with the music from the original Prime 2 on GCN.

Only mono?
What the fuck is this?
The Wii CAN output stereo sound, right?

It’s not mono, that guy’s talking out of his ass, It works perfectly with my 5.1 setup on Dolby 2.0…so yeah, his heads so far up his own ass that his head is in danger of touching his brain >_>