You know you love Metroid too much when...


^^^ An example of when you know you love metroid too much.

when you make a 3D model in Samus (in suit…Guilty)

when you deside to make another 3D model of Samus because you think the first one’s not good enough.(Guilty)

When you make a Metroid Fangame (GUILTY…se sig for more details)

When your playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and you pretend that the diffirent levelup idems are powerups from Metroid(guilty).

When you play each 2d game 9.8975 times 10 to the 52nd power.

When you top the above reason while posting it!

when you build Lego Metroid sets(to heck w/ the manufactured sets!)

when 75% of your MP3’s are Metroid remixes :stuck_out_tongue:

when you look up jellyfish and expect a picture of a metroid.

when you are able to think up this many reasons.

When you agree with this.

When you use this: :metroid:


You KNOW you love Metroid too much when you think everytime you look at a hot chick in a bathing suit you’ve completed a game in under 2 hours.

You also KNOW you love Metroid too much when you go up to every lobster and step on him, thinking hes going to take over a planet called Zebes.

okay thats just mean and you know you love metroid to much when you ask your bio teatcher if you can do your report on the life styles of metroids (Guilty).

I asked to get the life cycles of Geemers. Didn’t get anything, but it was worth a try.

i also love metroid too much. i spend most of my time/ money on metroid, and i love metroids there really cool and i wish they made nintendmetroids, screw nintendogs. metroids rule. :metroid: :metroid: :metroid: :metroid: :metroid:

You know you played Metroid too much when you see a chick but won’t ask her out if she doesn’t look like Samus. (No really its what I do)

LOL! You know that you like Metroid too much when you are posting on a thread titled “You know you love Metroid too much when…”

Not really…

It is when you post on this topic in 5 different forums ( and can think up different reasons for each!)

this is such a spoof of ‘you know you play halo too much when…’

Moron :unamused:

What…? How about if its 7 different forums?

You idiot, you do realize that these kinds of conversations have been around WAAAAAAYYYYYY before Halo, btw Halo sucks!

okay there are times when i really wish i was a mod
c’mon man a bump for fanboyism and not flaming/trolling

I am aware I am minimodding but come on what the hell

make this
